58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 602166 - Text: Huh? It's neither legal nor tacitly accepted by the police to have sex with thirteen year olds Her first pimp is currently serving 40+ years for having sex with her

id: 602172 - Text: Prostitution is almost gone and will be completely gone very soon. Women no longer need to have sex with men to get money. They can all start an OnlyFans or just tell men on social media to 'CashApp' or "Venmo" them if they think they are pretty. They can make tons of cash without ever meeting a man, never mind having sex with them.

id: 602186 - Text: I would prefer it if we don't call women like her prostitutes. That makes it seem like thats all she is. While in fact she is a strong woman, with a rough, loveless start in life, who doesn't know any other industry nor way to earn money. If you have been abused and exploited like her for years you learn how to shut down your feelings and emotions. I've done research on this subject for 3 years and met a lot of women working in prostitution over the years. All of them have different mechanisms to cope with the abuse that their body and soul has to endure on a daily basis. If you imagine that most of them are exploited by pimps, trafficked, some even sold, abducted or forced then its safe to say that they are being " raped" on a daily basis. Because rape is what it basically is when you are being touched or have sex against your will. Giving half or all of the money the earn while using their bodies to earn it to a pimp is another very tragic side effect. There is not one woman in this industry that as a little girl dreamed about selling her body to 5-20 strange men a day in exchange for money. Before judging women who do this for a living, try to look at the person behind the mask, the smile or the flirting face. They all have a story or an unfortunate background what drove them into this industry. And it's incredibly difficult to get out.

id: 602316 - Text: Our country is so messed up. Our police officers need to stop going after marijuana possession cases or trying to silence BLM protestors and, instead, go after the guys who abuse, rape, manipulate, and keep women in this life. We also need to start supporting safe sex work so that women who do want to continue in the profession can do so in a way that gives them autonomy, security, respect, and the means to live life freely or pursue other opportunities. We degrade porn stars and strippers, but they are perfectly fine professions for those who truly want to work in them and significantly better and safer than working the streets. If we widened our acceptance and support of these industries, and made access to them more common and accessible, people like Exotic would have a much better quality of life and more of a say in what happens in it. There is so much toxicity and stigma towards all sex work that most people don't know what a great opportunity it is. These workers make tons of money that they get to keep, have access to affordable healthcare, regular testing and use of contraception is enforced, you are treated with dignity and have control over what you consent to, and you can pursue life outside of work like school and travel. Just for reference, I am not, nor have I ever been, a sex worker. I just know that there is more we can be doing as a country to correct and prevent this that we are completely ignoring. Which means Exotic, and other women working the streets, will continue to be abused and left feeling hopeless.

id: 602335 - Text: I think about these men who whould hire a 13 year old child for sex, they are probably out there having families while she is covering here life wounds with tatoos.

id: 602360 - Text: She a junkie,a scammer and a sex addict,not inspiring at all

id: 602375 - Text: Despite the horrors of what she has been through, Asriah still has a lot of life to live, and can easily achieve perfection in conduct, so I hope she finds the Righteous Pathway, which of course begins with Spiritual Friendship. That means finding someone versed in Spiritual Principle, who doesn’t view her as a sexual object in any way, doesn’t devalue her for whatever pain she’s suffered, and doesn’t judge and condemn her for whatever mistakes she has made. And instead only sees the good in her, and is just there for her whilst she depletes the effects of her negative karma, and continuously strives to guide her onto the Righteous Pathway, without getting perturbed by any lack of progress or regressive behaviour. She would also need to develop Logical Reasoning or Proper Focusing, which requires the intellectual capacity to understand those Principles at the deepest level. This would be very difficult if she is under the influence of drugs and alcohol, so getting “clean” should become her first short term goal. Then it’s just a matter of Self Development in line with that Spiritual Pathway in order to achieve further short term goals. All of which should be righteous in nature and internally achievable, such as leaving this life, becoming educated, finding stable employment, doing charity work, etc. Culminating in some righteous long term goal such as just being inwardly happy without need for any external stimulation. But everything begins with developing right view or right belief. That requires developing a certain level of Wisdom in order to intellectually accept the fact that this current life only leads to pain, whereas the righteous pathway eventually leads to happiness. If you’ve never had the benefit of Spiritual Guidance, especially due to lacking parents who set a good example, then you might struggle to develop this right view. You may have to suffer a cacophony of painful experiences that people such as Asriah have to go through. But with the benefit of Spiritual Principles you will realise that this just isn’t the pathway to happiness, and that there is another pathway in life that leads to Love etc. 21:20 This could be similar to the principle that corrupted beings are inclined to become what they believe others believe they are. The nice guy was probably trying to overcompensate by acting like her saviour and trying to “fix” her lack of self respect etc, which actually sustained her feeling defective for her past conduct. The only way this would have worked out was if he just completely let go of her past, which would have allowed her to do the same also. This would have been easier if they each strived to understand the Principle of Love together, and just serve that Principle for the Principle itself. Whilst also forgiving each other’s transgressions. 23:20 I would recommend questioning the men first as to whether they are married or not and refuse to engage in any activity with them if they are. This should make the sexually and spiritually twisted evil beings who are out there preying upon these women understand they have value and are not expendable. Although even if they didn’t do this that doesn’t make them worthy of painful destruction. Because the karmic consequences of cheating and adultery are borne by those who knowingly breach the commitment. 25:20 But the fact that women such as this go through such extreme mental and physical pain and don’t become completely corrupted into the most evil conduct imaginable, such as deriving pleasure from pain like those severely corrupted beings who prey on them despite suffering nary any pain in comparison, is a testament to the inherent spiritual fortitude of the female gender. 7:30 28:20 As for those who use and abuse these women for their own monetary gain, I shudder to think what fate awaits them after death. Although the women are by no means saints either in the way they sometimes treat others. But no one was born this way, and anyone can redeem themselves through finding Spiritual Principle.

id: 602428 - Text: Sex work should be legal and the sex workers should have the protection of the police, not some violent exploitive thug.

id: 602444 - Text: I used to strip for years, I used to work with plenty of women who had pimps. Two girls in particular,would come from another state and work at different clubs. I knew them both and knew their pimp, they were both in love with him. I never understood it because they made so much money working at the club they really didn't need him. Being a sex worker, is so hard on your soul. The money is not worth surrounding yourself with those people that don't really see your worth unless its sexually oriented. If you are a sex worker feeling stuck,just know don't let what you have been through define who you are or who you want to be. There is light and hope.

id: 602470 - Text: The whole concept of a 'pimp' disgusts me. I remember when I first found out what one was when I was a kid and it pissed me off then too. There was this wrestler in the WWF/WWE in the 90's called 'The Godfather' and his while schtick was that of a pimp who walked to the ring with the " ho's ". I know it was just a gag of course, but I hated that character so much that I refused to even watch his matches unless I knew he would get his ass beat. People dress up as pimps for Halloween too. Disgusting. These men are the lowest of the low. The filth of the Earth. They say that prostitution is the world's oldest profession, but before a woman was selling her body for sex, there was a man behind her forcing her to do it, making being a pimp the world's oldest profession. And how telling for our species that the first job we ever did was a form of rape. And this poor girl has children from a pimp as well? What sort of life will they have, with the knowledge that their daddy was a human piece of crap who forced their mommy into doing disgusting things to disgusting men? It angers me so much I could scream. Any pimps out there reading this - go f*ck yourselves - nobody likes or respects you and they never will. You are filthy, useless, inept men that nobody will miss when you're dead.
