58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 602485 - Text: in WA state u gotta register as a sex offender if u get convicted of any pimpin related charges, as they should.

id: 602499 - Text: Depends on how expansive your definition is for "pimp". Some freelance prostitutes pay a friend or acquaintance for security. All sex crimes really need to be looked at on a case by case basis. Though all child sex abusers should be shot out of a cannon and into a brick wall. That's just common sense.

id: 602510 - Text: Hundred percent right there should be no reason for pimps and the. A mess if the government doesn’t wanna legalise sex work it’s making it harder for women so legalise it decriminalise it let there be parlours open and let these women pay tax and be safe and knock it right in Australia and it’s illegal where I am and we work in safe parlours people don’t get right people pay tax you have nurses doctors lawyers working it’s disgusting and what’s going on in America in other countries or it’s not legal and how do you stop Pimp C legalise it

id: 602511 - Text:  @helenbartoszek243  Exactly because in Australia sex workers legalised and decriminalised in state almost all states, Ask girls don’t need pimps and pimps get her if they even try to take advantage of any of us girls because there are some in that try and take money off young wo,@n

id: 602527 - Text: There is no such thing as a 13 old prostitute. To be a prostitute would require consent. 13 yr olds cannot give consent. They are child sex victims, and the tricks are pedophiles, and the pimps are groomers. How can we have little girls like this in a first world country.... ' the greatest country in the world'? There were MASSIVE warning signs before she turned 13, which social care workers should have picked up on. This was completely avoidable if this girl was given love, support, stability and safety. Let's not forget the douchebag men who think they can treat working women like shit. They think they can rape or attack these women, because they KNOW officials do not care. You cannot stop this trade, but officials should at the very least make it safer for women to work. OR improve social care to ensure that women/girls do not fall into this industry. And ladies, do not judge or look down your nose on these women. They probably did not have the same privileges as you growing up, and had to adapt to survive. Unless you have walked in their shoes, don't feel entitled to criticise them. Count yourself lucky, because in another life, this could be you trying to survive on the streets.

id: 602590 - Text: Why would you want to be a sex worker if you were sexually abused as a child?

id: 602746 - Text: My god! Her childhood went through illegal sex! She missed out so much on her life! No child deserves that! I feel bad the foster parents didn’t do more to provide better for her!

id: 602751 - Text: Easy to write. But in a case like hers; drugged out parents, orphaned, kids homes, sexually abused at 13 and surviving on the street etc, subjected to multiple violent traumas that would break most women, it's worse than saying a calf born on a farm can choose not to end up in a slaughterhouse. Go study psychology.

id: 602755 - Text:  @ThinkCriticallyNow  So what is that pre-determines the difference between someone who "wants to change" (or sees an alternative and believes it is possible), and someone who doesn't? There's a faith based view, typically from the Rightwing/conservatives, that every individual is ultimately responsible for everything in their own life, and all that is required is to pick themselves up, and work hard, and somehow, magically, everything will go well. The problem with that belief is that the facts, the data (US intergenerational mobility statistics), shows it just does not happen like that. That one's position in life is almost 95%+ predetermined before birth based on one parents, location etc. It also shows that perceptions of social mobility are consistently over-optimistic. The way I would put it is that the "American Dream" model, as I'll call it (work hard and material success is the result), is a confidence trick to can the majority into working hard, and giving up their rights, and getting nothing back. In short, a life worth little more than slavery. It's not a question of me condemning anyone (or indeed condoing her actions), it's a question of the facts. What actually happens on the ground and why the majority can't change, in a hierarchial system that won't allow them to change, because it needs a large impoverished and generally debt enslaved class to exploit. Clearly this videographer was not the best person to be helping her, and one has to question their motivations, but it's false and unrealistic to invert cases such as these to issues of personal responsibility. It's like in business and how they say, "location, location, location". You can open the best business but if it's in the wrong location, it will fail. Well, socio-economic, sexual and racial "locations" (statuses) are equally solid pre-determinators of success.

id: 602773 - Text: God , so heartbreaking… wish someone would save her and or give her the opportunity to save herself .. sucks man , such a beautiful young lady , with infinite potential, reducing herself to such a sad way of life … sad when someone that was nice to her , she turned on them , reflecting the abuse others have Inflicted to her , it shows the mental breakdown of a human being , & the damage of that life style. Potentially legalization of this life style & a safe environment, and sexual testing would take away this black market chaos
