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id: 631666 - Text: Mark’s already set up a GoFundMe for all his interviewees. The link is in the description on some videos or you can find it by searching GoFundMe for Soft White Underbelly by Mark Laita. If you make a note at the time you donate who you want it to go to, Mark will make sure it goes to them. To donate is to help Mark help them.

id: 631670 - Text: Could you do a video of how you do these pictures you use for the video? I love your videos and you make people look so interesting with the way you photograph and edit them, would love to learn how to do that!!! Great videos by the way… I watch them every time you release. You are doing great things.

id: 631695 - Text:  @EchoBravo370  Totally agree. But for the hardcore god squad types that troll these forums, as well as videos about cancer patients etc you can totally see how they operate. It's all about them - not about the person - they are preying on them not praying for them. It's gross.

id: 631743 - Text:  @Mike-Oxelong  you say creepy bs on each video. This is your guilt porn.

id: 631772 - Text: Mark already has a GoFundMe for all his interviewees and the link can sometimes be found in the description on some videos. You can also find it by searching GoFundMe for Soft White Underbelly by Mark Laita. If you make a note regarding who you want the donation to go to at the time you donate, Mark will make sure it goes to that person. However, be aware Mark has walked hundreds into rehab only to have them leave shortly after. Yet Mark is the eternal optimist who will continue to try to help them to the best of his ability. To donate is to help him help them.

id: 631829 - Text:  @steved1438  - Thank you for your questions and taking the time to reply to my comments. I respect that, it’s why I gave you a thumbs up. However, I am not the scholar you may be looking for to answer your questions. I am but a wee one in my time of learning and self reflection at points where I feel where needed. I don’t have any passages memorized or even have a favorite one to share. All I have is my own experience, the word of those around me, and to my own inherent beliefs. I don’t know what our Creator looks like, but I have been raised to respect our Creator, and I’ve known him with different names. Gitchi Manitou, our Creator, The Spirit Who Moves Through All Things and so forth. I’ve just learned a new one, Yashewa. I’ve probably butchered the name, as I said, it’s pretty new to me, and I am learning. Let me share a certain time in my life, a story if you will, my story, of my truth. When I had been a young adult, I had needed help. My parents and Antie and Uncle got our Medicine Man to help me, which he did and successfully too. With the use of a number of my senses I learned that it hadn’t been just our Medicine Man, his aide/apprentice and I in the place we were at. I learned without any doubt whatsoever that yes, we do have a Creator. Well, what happened, you may ask…sadly, I cannot tell you. For the first 24 hours after that I was only to speak to my family members about my experience. I’ve got a lot of family, so that was cool. However, I was forbidden to talk to any other and to not talk at all after. In all honesty, I am pushing the envelope here and not in my favor either. Plus, I know I won’t be changing your mind by telling what little I have. And let’s just say that I did tell you, I doubt it would sway your own beliefs to mine. So, why am I? I really don’t know except to explain a little of who I am and where I come from in my thoughts and mind. It has only been as of late that I’ve been trying to understand our Creator from the other side and of their view. Yes, the Bible. I do believe there are a good number of similarities between the two. I am of the belief, we only have one Creator. I truly believe we’ve all had different names for our Creator whether it be any of our Tribes names, different religions and simply different geographical areas. I do not believe Christianity is better than that of our People. If anything, it just pisses me off. A few weeks ago, there had been a channel that I had been learning the Bible from. Sadly, he had said something disparagingly against any and all of our tribes in the U.S. As of now, I haven’t been able to watch their videos all of the way through. I could and had given an hour of time to listen to what they had to say, but when they came down on our People, I just couldn’t do it knowing what I know, and thinking if they truly had our Creator speaking to them, than they would have no doubt that our Tribes, our People would stand equal to them and that our ceremonies, prayers and everything that makes us who we are, we all pray to the very same Creator. I don’t know if you’ve studied the Bible. I’d guess you know more of it than I do. But I would like to ask for a favor. Would you be willing to read on any of our People (tribes), and see what you can learn of our Creator? Kinda asking to give our side a try? Yeah, I think so. I don’t know where it will lead, but it would be kind of nice to hear another’s thoughts after reading a bit of ours. We call ourselves Anishinabeg (plural) Anishinabee (singular) Be well and miigwetch, (thank you) Ma’iingankwe PS). I have a feeling that this hasn’t been the response you had been expecting. I apologize for that and please just know I try and stay true wherever I am at in my life and experiences.

id: 631832 - Text: He has. Link is in the description box I just saw that the link is not(yet?) in the description box of this video, but you can find it in the older uploads.

id: 631865 - Text: Instead of paying the people in your videos, you should now take this concept to the next level; have a psychiatrist join you to offer them some help Mark.

id: 631868 - Text: Thanks Mark I enjoy watching these videos. Keeps me humble and grateful

id: 631899 - Text:  @Gram72534  Hey bro. Thank you. I hope your day is good too my man. Been a bad past week. I'll be putting up a video today to explain it. Take care my man.
