58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 603179 - Text: MrMagOOo human sex trafficking doesn’t equal hoe LMAO r u 12?

id: 603240 - Text: This is saddening to hear. Most prostitutes are victims of child sexual abuse when they are younger. They become desensitised to it. The pimp thing is just pure exploitation. No benefit for these girls.

id: 603248 - Text: Onlyfans? More money and no sex :)

id: 603315 - Text: I will never understand how pimp became a glorified term in rap culture. Of all of the questionable misogynistic BS, it has to be the worst. They're abusive exploiters who do absolutely nothing, sacrifice nothing, and are on the same level as sex traffickers and don't care about the age of the people involved. I also don't understand how under our laws a minor can even be arrested for prostitution. If you can consent to unpaid sex, then how can you consent to prostitution. Our entire system and culture clearly shows how it doesn't give a shit about women and girls, beyond shaming them for trying to survive.

id: 603401 - Text: Very sad. When she started talking about the time she was in love I had a flashback to a girl I met early in college. I fell in love with this girl unexpectedly and as we were dating I had a few indications that she may have a promiscuous past. Not like prostitution but she was definitely more sexually experienced than me. I normally don’t go for that at all but I tried to make an exception for her. It was weird for me because instead of appreciating me for being the “good guy” she would always feel bad and say she didn’t deserve me. She even cried one time. This never happened to me before but I loved her. She couldn’t come back to school one semester and ended up cheating on me and I had to let her go I just couldn’t trust her. It destroyed me. I’ll always love her and still an amazing person overall but I learned that sometimes people can never recover from past trauma from relationships. Please take caution when dealing with damaged people. It’s a sad reality.

id: 603444 - Text: I wish that prostitution were legalized and regulated. It’s awful to hear about people who have been put through the ringer like her, but it’s also awful to be short, ugly and prematurely bald like myself. I know that I can’t pay for genuine intimacy, but I wish I could at least pay for sex.

id: 603487 - Text: The streets …selling herself for money, sex, and making money for a dude .. violent..6 pimps ( controller, protector, user ) giving your money to “this dude”.. busy 2000 dollars a day … ( a lot of dates ) “in the life “… a hoo ..surviving .. her brother died .. dangerous working alone .. Physically Violent.. Protection .. watch me .. crystal meth …addiction..23years old now . Fast money .. very lonely.. Brother killed himself …”money back” robbery and rape …horrific lifestyle.. A DUDE / A BIRD used to mistreatment, hardness, rough language….Hustlers…condoms…don’t get into this lifestyle.. tricks others intentions .. ( what’s my intentions )putting your guard down..juvenile hall..driving over girls ..pimps ( money, control ) home girls language.?

id: 603495 - Text: There's a better way to not have children living in the system: no sex or protected sex. Easy

id: 603497 - Text:  @J0HnNyX  How do you plan to enforce it, safe sex isn't some thing people don't have access to or are unaware of. How ever condoms kill the feel, pils have negative side effects, pull out is also a sacrifice and not fully safe and they cost money (aside from the pull out). People are going to fuck up now and again, so why not give them a chance to correct it. Better early abortion than life of suffering, it is also bad when couple with no money have children they can't support and the children end up having to do shit like this or worse. Regulating sex is never going to work.

id: 603503 - Text: If you don't gave the resources, the best way to avoid tragedies for the child is to not have sex to birth the child or have protected sex. Easy. Abortion is just selfish and nonsensical.
