31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 632111 - Text: Maria, I hope you have access to a phone to read the comments. It was very hard to watch your video because I mean how much abuse and deception can a human take. Yet you gracefully told your story and were so insightful. You are so beautiful and you really touched my heart.

id: 632120 - Text: This video in particular was touching. Mark THANK YOU for hugging her at the end. She really needed that warm human touch!

id: 632132 - Text: I appreciate my parents more and more with every video I watch on this channel. They weren't perfect but god damn. Could have been so very worse.

id: 632135 - Text: Thank you, Mark for these videos. Mainstream media has devalued the role of a loving father for a long time. Good dad's are vital. Children crave their father. ❤❤❤

id: 632139 - Text: Damn. Daddy issues get lots of jokes, but that void and the subsequent negative consequences that show up in every adult who was once a fatherless child is real af. 😔 Having a super strong relationship with my dad STILL, at 42 (who’s been married to my beloved mama for 45+ years), is such a gift that I appreciate more and more with every passing year. If my parents couldn’t get ahold of me for a week (MAYBE 10 days), and I wasn’t with my husband or any of my sons, you better believe my dad is coming in hot ✈️, knocking down doors, and putting eyes on me no matter what it took. The idea that people all over the world don’t have that is heartbreaking 💔. You NEVER outgrow your parents. You never get to an age or stage of life when they’re not critically important in your life. It’s not a loss or void you get over. With every video you share Mark, I feel a little more humbled and a lot more grateful for having the family I have. Lots of words to say that, but this video was even more painful than most. She said she was 15 just yesterday. Baby girl, you NEVER got the opportunity to be 15. Simpleton phrasing, but still - just seems so unfair.

id: 632147 - Text: All the really hard videos to watch start out so easy, emotional abuse and neglect leave such huge wounds in a person. I where lucky enough to have an awesome childhood and an decent life but for some reason im like a magnet to emotionally broken people. Iv'e gotten to the point where i have a lot of anger toward people who treats others like crap because my life has been so heavily but still indirectly impacted by emotional abuse.

id: 632160 - Text: I like how it’s just her name on the video. More videos like this. Maybe don’t even put a title on their occupation and let us just hear them out and figure out what they’re about. Just a suggestion for future videos. Thank you for all you do for them mark.

id: 632161 - Text: I’ve watched sooo many of these videos and idk if it that I don’t watch all through to the end end every time but this is the first time I seen Mark hug an interviewee. Warmed my heart because you can tell she just maybe needed it. Not that it’s a cure all but sometimes it can be such an underrated gesture. Very sweet.

id: 632328 - Text: Watching these videos truly makes you believe that you should judge no don’t know what’s going on in there heads just be nice be kind because any negative remarks can make them feel lower than low..we’re all so lucky we’re not in these situations..

id: 632334 - Text: Mark it can’t be easy on your own nervous system to always be in the lions den, whilst hearing these oftentimes, horrific stories. I find it a struggle just to watch and listen to them. If I’m honest it’s much easier to look away from these testimonies, put on the blindfold and let it all fall on deaf ears. However, I feel blessed to have found this channel and am grateful for the mirror that you hold up to a society, that we have all made. It’s evident that almost 100% of self abuse is usually connected to much deeper, earlier trauma. Childhood is the key to most life outcomes. Of course there will always be exceptions but the majority of these cases suffered, physical, psychological, mental or sexual abuse. Drugs, alcohol etc…are merely an anesthetiser for the cruelty, these poor souls have had to endure and live with. These video’s are equally complex and compelling, vital to understanding humanity. They give a voice to the unheard and they leave a visual footprint to the unseen. The sickening irony of abuse is that it then turns in on itself. The individual feels unworthy, unloved and like Maria said all there is “Living day to day”. Maria’s past was not only stolen but so was her future. Most domestic animals are treated better than this poor woman. Education is key. The respect and dignity you give to these people is a lesson. We need to listen more and allow others to tell there truth. It’s the only way we can learn. Real schooling starts at home, then spreads out into the wider community. I often travel the streets of my own town in Liverpool England with my son. I make a point of stopping, listening, talking and giving food/money etc…I want him to know and see, just as you do in these videos, that these people exist and they are human beings. That there but for the grace of God go I. I don’t know what the answer is or what else to say. I really don’t. Please keep up this important work Mark because the world needs it, especially in these strange, unforgiving times. All I know is that we can learn from the authenticity of these interviews, learn to be more aware, more humble and more appreciative of the life that we do have. Thank you.🙏❤️.x
