58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 603894 - Text: A 13 year old child sex traffic victim is not a “prostitute” she needs help! This world is so sick and disgusting that someone would look at a kid and think evil things 🤢🤮

id: 603947 - Text: A ton of women today are using men for their resources, influence and money...which is even worst in my least this girl is honest and upfront about what she's doing and not trying to manipulate anyone. Just straight up sex for money....just look around social media....all these "Instagram Models"....most of them don't even acknowledge that they are nothing more than "glorified prostitutes".......they crave attention from the world..... they show their faces and bodies to world hoping to get attention or land someone who will give them money or take care of them.....they are no better than a street hooker.....acually that's worst because deception and manipulation is involved.....but this women doing the interview had it hard....I hate that women feel like have to do this. I have two daughters and I watch this stuff hoping to learn how to prevent it from happening to them. So in that regard I thank this woman for coming and doing this interview. I hope she can make it out of this life one day.

id: 603986 - Text:  @krissykriss328  not disagreeing with you but people deal with trauma differently. She was sexually abused at a very young age and that fvcks with you hard. Not every body comes out of a traumatic event that big in good shape. It’s by the grace of God and luck.

id: 604038 - Text: The wokes will have you for calling her a p.......e...she's a Sex Worker...a term in keeping with current trends toward social amelioration

id: 604051 - Text: Why is this video further sexualising this woman?

id: 604070 - Text: Sorry that much sex.. I can never understand.. mental illness maybe.. id sooner kill myself than sell myself..

id: 604089 - Text: Less prostitute more victim of sex trafficking

id: 604094 - Text: another runaway sex worker People who cant or dont want to take care of children, shouldnt become parents

id: 604128 - Text: She was trafficked. 13 years old!? I wasn’t even considering sex at that age. I can’t imagine being forced into it. It’s heartbreaking to know this is someone’s reality. I hope her life gets turned around. She’s worth it.

id: 604132 - Text:  @GhostSal  The only thing I can think of is money. Money makes the people do some reprehensible things. From the bottom of the chain (the girls) to the top… there’s money to be made and that holds more power than a human life to way too many people. The corruption runs deep. There’s no simple fix for this. I’d say a start would be stop arresting these minor females who have no choice in this, and go after the John’s. No John’s, no work… etc etc. Its all easier said than done. Unfortunately, sex work is now glamorized with the rise of onlyfans and sites like it. Also with the messed up narrative being pushed rn that hyper sexuality is some how feminine empowerment is literally encouraging the lifestyle. Like I said, there’s no easy fix, but we need to start somewhere.
