58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 604151 - Text: Girls/ women shouldn't have to be in the sex business, 13 is disgraceful its not a way of life she deserves so much more everything is all wrong lawfully, politically and the biggest problem money she shouldn't have to do this for fuckin money this is someone's fucking life ffs

id: 604155 - Text: I think the saddest part of this interview, for me, was when she said when she finally had someone that treated her with love and respect she took on the role of her abusers. That, to me, shows the damage that's been done to her like nothing else. Props to her for being brave enough to do this interview and be as forthright as she was. I hope she can get out. I personally think that one of the best things we can do as a society is first of all stop buying sex, and also stop normalizing prostitution and pornography. Such an insane amount of abuse is inherent in these industries. Stop supporting them. Stand up for principles of respect and self restraint, because when our society forgets those values, people who are caught in cycles of abuse pay the price.

id: 604156 - Text: I hope the interviewer isn’t asking these girls or demanding sexual favors from these women.

id: 604168 - Text: So then we would have to return to forced monogamy because free choice is not a good idea if one sex has an upper hand. Most dudes would be with no woman!

id: 604173 - Text: I agree with everything you said up until “we should stop buying sex”. Thats not even close to a viable solution, making prostitution illegal puts these women in serious danger, they need to be protected by an institution designed for sex workers, a safe environment where she can make good money while the institution takes a small cut rather than all of the money she makes. Banning prostitution or pornography will do nothing to help society and its not even remotely a solution. Women should be given the option to do what they want with their body, and should be protected.

id: 604178 - Text:  @shogunguy  'Stop buying sex' does not entail 'make prostitution illegal'. 'Stop buying sex' is just a social choice, not a law.

id: 604184 - Text: yeah the thing about prostitution and porn is like, i agree in principle that if someone wants to do those things its their right, and at least in terms of porn i think nowadays theres a lot of ways for people to create their own porn controlled entirely by themselves and not end up being exploited (onlyfans basically), but in terms of sex work, even if i agree in a theoretical vacuum someone could meaningfully choose prostitution, in the world we live in theres so much evidence that almost all prostitutes are victims of abuse and coercion who see no escape from their current lifestyle without ending up homeless and starving

id: 604192 - Text:  @shogunguy  You hit the nail in the head. I see nothing wrong with prostitution, as long as its practiced in a safe and clean enviroment, for the worker and the client. And just to add, for some people that is the only viable way to fullfill a natural human craving or need, to have sex. There are many people who society rejects because they dont meet the beauty standards, or have disabilities, or are just weird or shy, that are simply not able to get what they need. Prostitutes can have a positive impact on those lives, and if they are willing to do it for a price, why should we deny it?

id: 604195 - Text: Negative - regulate the sex industry, and support SWers as professionals. These progressive actions support humans, and everyone wins (vis a vis, Australia).

id: 604199 - Text: Some women call this empowering, having men give them money for sex. Do you really think they're going to go get a legal minimum wage job after that?
