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id: 604210 - Text: i was with you until you said "porn," because on one end, theres women who take control of their own bodies and want to do porn. Its their own choice, and it makes things more sex positive in some cases. Before women were oppressed from even showing their ankles. Buying sex is stupid, only nasty fucks go out and do that. But porn is way different than a pimp selling a bunch of people. Just like free the nipple and normalizing girls showing more skin is different from sexualizing, but not to people like you who think porn is the problem.

id: 604235 - Text: i have no doubt that your intentions are in the right place and you genuinely do want to see happen change for women like the lovely lady in this video, but the anti-SW argument comes from a position of privilege in itself. no work establishment is inherently "fair" or "right". we either work or we die and we're told this is our lot, that nobody deserves to have their basic necessities handed out to them. this is why enforcing rules in the workplace is vital. this is why protecting workers with rights is vital. without that level of involvement, we're at risk of giving up all kinds of dignities and freedoms just to survive. SW being made illegal - or even just going unsupported, which would then likely incentivise governments to clamp down on even more practises - robs the women who were born into poor and dysfunctional lifestyles and have no chance of escaping them. the education systems within their area are lacking; the jobs that offer comfortable incomes are routinely taken up by people in higher class systems; and these individuals often already struggle with disabilities, mental illnesses and traumas that render them incapable of the usual 9-5 routine. growing up poor leaves permanent scars. SW is an ugly reflection of that - which is why, rather than moralise and shun it, we need to empathise with the people stuck in that system. by legalising and continuing to support sex workers, we are finally ensuring they have some quality of life. we're removing the shameful stigmas attached to their profession. SW should be criticised because it is ran by a broader, patriarchal system, but taking away agency from women is not a fair way to start dismantling that system - which already punishes those women for existing in their current positions.

id: 604266 - Text: This is sad. However people try to make blanket statements and assume this is every situation and that any escort is a slave or forced into it. There are high end escorts seeing businessmen and millionaires making 500, 1k, 5k an hour that make 6 figure incomes and wouldn't trade it for the world. So let's not pretend sex work isn't valid and should just be legalized because then this wouldn't happen as often.

id: 604289 - Text: somebody gives her money for sex? uhhhhh GROSS

id: 604302 - Text: Imagine watching this and knowing that some crazy leftist think the statement “sex work is work” is legit and people who say that and don’t have their career destroyed.

id: 604313 - Text: There’s no such thing as a child prostitute. There is a such thing as a sexually abused child being sex trafficked.

id: 604321 - Text: First of all, the term is 'sex worker' for an adult, and 'trafficked' if we're talking about a child. This is some lazy & exploitative shit right here.

id: 604330 - Text: I don’t really like the judge mental vibe that this interviewer has. Also can we call it sex work?

id: 604357 - Text: how come men can hire a 13 YEAR OLD PROSTITUTE without even giving it a tough???? Pigs that only care for their own d**k, no wonders we have a pandemic sexual trafficking situation

id: 604453 - Text: I'll never have kids. Cant put the suffering and hardships of this world on someone, just cuz i like sex
