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id: 604716 - Text: Women need to be taught to become more than a sex slave to society. We are better than this! Men will be held accountable to the maker of the Universe for abusing people for an organism.

id: 604767 - Text: This reveal how disgusting prostitution “sex work” is. It’s devoids the person of dignity and turns them into a commodity to be used.

id: 604770 - Text: This is pretty sad because i know a girl in rea llife like this. I geuss we are friends and everyones uses her for sex. Shes a really nice person but she litteraly has not much in life and protitution is probably her future.

id: 604774 - Text:  @scruffyo4460  what fourteen yr old is paying other kids for sex? it's adults doing this to kids

id: 604793 - Text: well prostitution should be leagalised and sex worker rights should be respected

id: 604825 - Text: This young lady seems to be very intelligent, she is very pretty, and she is extremely determined and driven. For her to put in the effort in a world that she had zero control of herself to keep going to meet her quota, whether by fear or just out of personal drive, is amazing. Imagine what she could accomplish in life and in society if she was able to drive her own life. No doubt she’s no saint, but at the same time she’s not a devil either and the system failed her as much as she might have been rebellious and failed herself. Her mom needs to be found and have her ass beat for not taking care of her child. Big difference in putting your child up for good reasons vs selfish reasons. I really hope this woman can break the cycle and take care of her kids better than she was taken care of. The people that turned her out at age 13 as well as the people that sexually abused this child when she was 13 need to torturously rot in the deepest darkest corner of earth and then in hell as well. Our government needs to recognize that they are part of the creation of all these problems in sex work by not finding some sort of middle ground legally. Not saying regulated sex work would solve the problem, but it would probably go along way in creating a lower likelihood of creating the horrible experiences and worse that she’s faced as well as all the others have and do face.

id: 604833 - Text: sex positive weirdos will watch this and say she wanted to do this as a way to liberate herself. Prostitution and sex work is not voluntary idc what anyone says it is pure exploitation.

id: 604837 - Text: It hurt to watch this I can’t imagine GROWING UP in this type of environment. She got her life taken away from her and her formative years were spent being stuck in sex trafficking. How is this not talked about more often?

id: 604847 - Text: it is a sanctimonious lie to say children and teenagers don't and can't make choices. about sex or anything else. she ran away from tons of stuff, but not from prostitution.

id: 604855 - Text: Not necessarily. Many young girls run away from their life to become prostitutes and then lie about their age to clients to ensure they get work. They are often 14-16 year olds. They consciously choose to keep their identity and age hidden, doesn't mean the clients knowingly are having sex with a minor. That's a misconception of people who hire a prostitute too. Many (especially middle aged men) have had rough lives, wife left them, family died etc and they look for a release. They're not always wise to some of the ages of girls. Prostitution is a very complex industry and nothing is ever just black and white.
