31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 635563 - Text: I don’t think this video “feeds children and teenagers “ . the woman in this video didn’t make the video for teens . And it’s likely adults that are looking at YouTube videos about prostitutes talking about their life because they are curious ...not kids or teens . besides it’s up to parents to control what their kids watch .

id: 635628 - Text: I understand that prostitution has been around forever. But as a woman myself feel it's the most demeaning jobs for anyone to be doing . Selling your body shows no self respect and it can be a dangerous job not only for the diseases one can pick up but being harmed by people that don't think to highly of you. A normal job may not pay the money one can make prostituting but at least it's respectful and safe . How can they demand respect when their very job shows they don't even respect themselves. It's a job that ages those women very quickly . It's a shame when a woman resorts to such practices for the love of money . Thank you Mark for your videos .

id: 635747 - Text:  @RichardSD1956  Did Mark mention this in another video?

id: 635833 - Text: I gotta stop watching these videos.. My protective/fatherly instincts just want to bring all these suffering people home and show them love, show them how to live a "normal" life, don't ruin themself with drugs ect. But the world doesn't function like that 😪🤗🥺

id: 635878 - Text: Riveting interview. Im to the point where I can’t watch most of these “prostitute” videos because of the childhood trauma

id: 635916 - Text: I’d be interested to see what sharp would say if he made a reaction video on this. One of the first times I’ve heard mark keep giving advice. Hate to see someone so young feel like there’s nothing else and go down the wrong road because of no support.

id: 635959 - Text: Why ? Why the hell are we allowing this sweet girl to live like this ? I cannot sit here in Texas and not scream help …. I just made myself get up and clean this dump - because of this amazing testimony that shows me what a lazy piece of shit I have been. God knows you ARE doing so much good with these videos. Thank you.

id: 635988 - Text: He's posted a follow up video!

id: 636074 - Text: Yeah, I just watched some of his first videos and he offers them money. He has a go fund me for people too.

id: 636129 - Text: after watching so many of your videos, this one hurt me the most. shes so well spoken and her heart seems so pure. i see so much potential in her. truly wishing better for her
