58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 605208 - Text: did you watch the video at all lmao she did what she had to survive. also she is a "predator" upon men who consent and willingly have sex with her while knowing the side effects.

id: 605233 - Text: why do all these creep men have to be violent? why not just pay for sex and be on your way...?

id: 605252 - Text: Y’all need to learn to control yourselves…. Sex isn’t that important to ruin some little girl/boys future/mindset/life…. Heal yourselves.

id: 605263 - Text: Why don’t these prostitutes just work at the strip club you can make just as much money if not more you have bouncers to protect you n rules of the club plus you get to keep all your money 💰 n you don’t have to do demoralizing sexual acts

id: 605286 - Text: For the love of pete, there need to be UNIOUNS for sex workers. Otherwise they get abused and work in unsafe conditions. This girl and many others like her deserve respect and protection, they go through a lot and quite often not by choice.

id: 605308 - Text: JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. This interviewer is SUCH a fucking scumbag. You can almost hear him jerking off in his head while he drools asking this 23 yr old girl OVER AND OVER about her sexual (traumatic) experiences while she was a child. This man has no right, and no training, to be putting such vulnerable people through this mental torture. SHAME.

id: 605309 - Text: i’m confused, why is she only charging $60 a date when i’m always hearing about sex workers making triple that per hour?

id: 605354 - Text: Even when the prostitue is not a child, it's still criminal sexuel exploitation. The pimps and the clients are criminals. People have to understand that it's not a matter of age only, but you can't consent to anything when you live in the street and the whole society and system failed you. You can't be a pimp or a client and be someone good! It's rape.

id: 605377 - Text: can you please use the term full service sex worker good lord

id: 605387 - Text: also not all sex workers are survival sex workers. has it ever occurred to you to portray people who do sex work by choice and while empowered? this narrative you're portraying can be harmful when all you show is wounded folks. you're only telling one type of story and you aren't even getting close to the systemic reasons people end up in these positions. are you even compensating those who agree to do interviews with you? this channel is gross
