31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 636181 - Text: Update video?

id: 636196 - Text: Whats the drug she was using? I think I missed it and dont know where to find it in this video.

id: 636252 - Text: Lmao very funny video!! Thanks for the laughs 🤣🤣

id: 636311 - Text: You mean I have to do the search for you? A link to the follow up is at the end of my videos.

id: 636336 - Text: Mark. With so many comments on here - and knowing how busy you must be - I want you to know my wife and I are praying for Selena. I'm praying that someone can step in and help her - help her heal - spiritually, physically, emotionally, and relationally. Thank you so much for posting these videos.

id: 636355 - Text: There is something very strange about these videos. I don’t know how, but maybe something is going on

id: 636383 - Text: So what happened to her? Did the organization or the interviewer behind this video think of next steps to get others involved that can help her? What about how viewers can help? I haven't even gotten to the end, yet, so maybe there will be more information.

id: 636414 - Text: I watched so many of Mark’s videos but this one gets to me. I feel sad and getting watery eyes listening to her. I’m adopted too. But I was lucky. My adopted parents are really good people. I went from foster home to home to finally living in the Palisades in Southern California. My mom alway believing me until I disobey her and got pregnant. She gave me a choice, have an abortion, I wouldn’t do that. Eventually, it got to the point she knows I’m too far alone. Now she wanted me to give my son up for adoption after he is born to one of her wealthy friends or be completely on my own. I refused. She Throw me out at 8 months pregnant. I’ve been on my own since. It’s such a long store. My point is I know it’s hard, I never once thought about prostitution. I just couldn’t nor do I have anyone bad around me. Maybe I’m lucky . God was watching over me. Selena, you are beautiful and sweet. Get out of this business. Don’t let anyone used you. You are worth something. You can do it. Leave those bad guys. Don’t give up. Please!! you don’t need to sell yourself. I’ll be thinking of you.

id: 636550 - Text: Ok, I have watched many of your videos and this one touched me the most. This girl needs help. This girl deserves help. I have the ability to offer her the help she needs. If you can tell me how to contact you directly in order to get this girl a message to offer her a place to go for help that would be great. I will fully finance the support that is needed to get this girl back.

id: 636581 - Text: This is one of the harder videos to watch of the couple thousand Mark has posted. This young woman has so much potential to get her life back on track and become successful. Too bad 0.01 cent USD for every view of this video couldn't go into a fund to help Selena back on her feet... @1,963,480 views, that would be 19,634.80 (just a thought). The problem with that though, is that if Selena was given that amount of cash at her young age, and no true future plans, it would probably get pissed away. When I was her age (well I was 22) I received a small inheritance of a few thousand dollars and pissed it all away on booze and bars...never a thought of the future and doing something positive with that money. Guess maybe a trust fund would work best for that... I wish Selena the best of luck!
