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id: 606183 - Text: I knew plenty of girls like this growing up. They were the ones eating hot cheetos, walking the mile in gym class, having sex with adults, wearing pajama pants as jeans, smoking bad weed, and constantly yelling/fighting. Literal trash. Constantly gets themselves into trouble, and blames everything else but themselves. "only god can judge me". LMAO

id: 606269 - Text:  @roberthodgson8832  No of course not. I'm only responding because I believe you're comments were made in order to ultimately help this situation. I'm just saying that it'll lead prostitutes to committing other crimes in order to get money to pay for whatever it is they need money for. My point is, simply making it illegal to pay for sex (it already is) will not fix the problem. It just replaces one crime for another. Sure maybe it'll help a couple, but it will certainly send others in to worse crimes.

id: 606293 - Text: Legalizing prostitution wouldn't solve all problems associated with the sex industry, but there would be a hell of lot less people in a situation like this woman. What's with all these holier-than-thou politicians and society in general for that matter, that thinks making prostitution illegal will prevent it from happening? Get real people. It only seems to make things worse for so many people. Unless this woman is removed from her situation and gets some real help, there's a good chance she will be dead well before age 40.

id: 606304 - Text:  @kdphotos4691  Every adult should protect themself from sexual attacks unfortunately this case is a child and that's the problem .predators always prey on the weak !

id: 606310 - Text:  @kdphotos4691  It lets men know that they don't need to rape or use violence and instead do what women want and reward, which is earn lots of money and then pay them for sex. Yes every woman is selling sex, otherwise men wouldn't be using prostitutes as they would have plenty of sex as there are 1 woman for 0.8 men. Instead women only have sex with men who pay.

id: 606336 - Text:  @EC-yw5hg  Haha. Former sex worker here. Miss me with the bullshit.

id: 606379 - Text: Reading this comment section makes me laugh calling her beautiful and brave. Nah dog she is a hoe clearly yall have never lived 5 miles from a Starbucks. She ain't beautiful or brave she's dumb and a hoe. Welcome to life in the real world look kids this is the future you push when you wanted to make "sex work" respectable. She needs a better pimp. Personally of my hoes put all them tattoos damaging the product I'd be furious.

id: 606479 - Text:  @bluntfruntac9981  you’re absolutely sick if you can’t comprehend the damage childhood trafficking causes. What do you expect? People who’ve been sexually abused to automatically function normal?? There’s children in psych wards for one time instances of trauma, suffering for life with mh/ptsd, and yet here you are making light of it. Don’t ever have kids

id: 606480 - Text:  @leoniehunt5694  Now calm down, obviously I'm not sick because of course I understand that childhood trafficking causes damage, but you are out of your mind if you think that you can comprehend the damage childhood trafficking causes if you have never been in that position. You're asking me if I think people who have been sexually abused can automatically return to functioning normal. What is normal. And Yes I believe that some people can go back automatically. Others I think it takes work. I'm not saying this shit is easy. I'm saying that I believe there is a way. I might be crazy but I believe that a higher power can help us through anything. I haven't always thought that. I am one of those children for your information. Not trafficked but sexually abused. I do have a child. Now I don't know where you get this idea that I was making light of it. I was trying to make a point, the point I was making was that the original commenter said "she is too smart for the life she is living" my point was that sometimes logic can't help you out of situations like this so it doesn't matter if she is smart or not. And my point was that someone that is dumb doesn't deserve that life either. I'm not mad at you, I think there was just some miscommunication on my part, I probably could have explained it a little better.

id: 606486 - Text: Even though I am a 72yr old wife , mother and grandma ☘️ sometimes I really despise and hate men . No one can deny the fact that even when one is married one sometimes feels like a prostitute because the husband has the physical and emotional power to demand sex . I'm old but still have to**perform **for my husband... who is older than myself because life can be made miserable otherwise . I feel guilty about my comment but it may help others .
