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id: 606504 - Text: Why marry someone you don’t won’t to have sex with in the first place? Don’t choose a shitty man and use that as an excuse to say all men are just as pathetic.

id: 606520 - Text: If she wants to continue working in the sex industry, she should work a the bunny ranch or become a stripper. No need for her to give all her money to an abusive man.

id: 606530 - Text: I hope that he understands that having experienced Love or being In Love has little influence on the decision to prostitute one's self. My sister was the "Give the bitch a rock she'll fuck the whole damn crew!" type NWA was talking about, but here in Minneapolis/St.Paul instead. It caused problems in her long term relationship/father of their kids but he spent the money and did his share of the drugs that would eventually lead to her insanity where she resides in her head to this very day. He recently passed and his adult daughter still doesn't understand the truth about the toxic relationship her parents have. Even females blame the mothers when it comes down to kids, and she places her father on an undeserved pedestal even higher up now that he is gone. He never attempted to raise her himself while my sister was out prostituting to feed the addiction that sprung up the very Second she tried drugs at age 13. From the ages of 4-6 my sister was left alone in our apartment with me and our little baby sister. When my sister was 4, I was 2 and our sister was an infant. We would learn after spending a year in an even More hellish foster home, then being adopted at ages 3, 5 &7 that our older sister was sexually abused by our male-dependent mother. It was later still when we learned she had a different father than my younger sister and I and was only a "half sister". She was the mother that kept us alive by cooking Kraft mac-n-cheese (which I loathe to this day at age 49), and taking us knocking on the complex's doors begging strangers for food when we ran out...that's 100+% sister in my book. That horrible woman (our birth 'mom') would end up being the grandmother my niece would bounce to for a period of time during her developmental toddler years because her father was bypassed for responsibility as many are, and His mother, her Grandmother, was Already raising several children from 2 or 3 of her other grown kids!! My niece is half black and my "mother" and her long term boyfriend would use the word nigger around her Constantly, pointing out people behaving badly or what They perceived as badly saying "Look at those niggers! They're the reason why neighborhoods like this are filled with crime." etc. Her father wasn't in any way mentally damaged as her mother was, and he knew what his daughter's grandmother and boyfriend were like, yet giving up his own freedom to party and live without responsibility was more important than saving his child, whom many wouldn't guess was half white, from her racist and abusive grandmother. I wasn't living in the state at the time and would find this out from my niece and others years later. Luckily, my niece was later rescued by her other grandmother once the two made contact and dad's mom saw what a racist piece of shit her grandbaby was being raised by. That over crowded house had a lot of violent discipline and my poor niece was subjected to racism against the Other half of her DNA, but nothing like what my birth mother subjected her to. And of course it goes without mention None of it is ever acceptable-EVER. My sister checked herself into a voluntary treatment residence for mentally unstable addicts and has lived there for the past 10+ yrs since. She doesn't make contact with me for reasons unknown outside from herself and I choose to let her be. She's done more than enough for me in her lifetime. Our little sister was poisoned by tainted Fentanyl in May, just weeks before her 47th birthday during the first year of the lockdowns. She stopped breathing in her sleep, as everyone does when exposed to this epidemic that is getting little coverage. Our older sister's response was that our little sister Would be returning Very Soon, in a couple of days, looking exactly as she did at age 22 (her prime). My older sister Truly believes this. The levels of heinous abuse she suffered as a sex worker trying to support the One thing that allowed her to escape the horrors of the first 7 yrs of her life that our adoptive parents-a family physician and an intellectual/school teacher/librarian tried to get her help for by counselling, therapy, dance and music classes and eventually burning out every single world-renowned rehab clinic in Minnesota failed to put a dent in. My sister was Prime for victimization, and was preyed upon mercilessly once she got into the industry. It served to only back her growing paranoia issues. { 20 yrs ago, when I was 9 mo pregnant with my only child, my older sister came over for a visit with a steak knife tucked into her purse, which she casually pulled out and showed to me as I gave her a tour of the nursery I had put together out of vintage thrift store items. My sister was accusing me, a blue haired Betty Page style punk rocker- for sorry lack of a better description-of sleeping with her dripping Gerry Curl-having 5 ft 5 tall boyfriend whom I'd met briefly only once. He and I were virtual polar opposites of the truest kind. Super personable dude whom I thought for once might actually be Good for my sister, but I knew too little to know for sure. Why did my sister believe I was cheating with her Man? Because I have never stopped loving the 80's music we grew up with due to their fond memories, and her boyfriend had brought up The B-52's and 80's popular music once the other day. Popular 80's isn't even my thing, our older adoptive sister brought underground and college music into the family and she knows this. Other than that, it's This biological older sister who ushered in my adoration for 80's rap and R&B-which is what I Actually have in common with her Man...if logic were to come to play Anywhere in this. I Somehow managed to remain calm and firmly told her she had to leave once I'd carefully and gently pointed out the holes in her theory. Something instantly clicked behind her eyes and she saw I was telling the truth-even though I Lived with my unborn baby's father in that house and I was going to pop any Second and had no Room for sex with unrelated people..It was the Type of 80's music that was off so she'd believed me and wanted to continue her visit. I firmly ushered her out, completely confused with me, and locked that door behind her as well as all other doors to the house... Then I had a Fucking Meltdown. } I share this because it's quite rare to find women who are in the sex industry who aren't damaged going in and near destroyed going out. This is largely because of the stigma surrounding the industry itself. The women are whores and men are 'secretly' satiating naturally-occurring needs. And yes, I'm fully aware that there are plenty of areas of prostitution that involve only men, but the lion's share belongs to the area where men pay [someone] for sex with women. Being "the world's Oldest profession" and seeing how dysfunctional and outright fucking Dangerous it is due to being illegal almost everywhere in the world- it's obvious that it needs to be legalized and regulated. As was the problem for my sister even in her more coherent years, it's impossible for millions of sex workers to go from making excellent money in relatively little time comparably, to a "straight" job where the minimum wage remains 20-30 years behind the cost of average lower class living. The entire situation is a corrupt, dangerous, predatory mess and it's long, LONG overdue for the attention it deserves as an occupation whose demand will never, Ever go away. As for my family's victims of prostitution's long-reaching affects go, I'm proud to say that my niece has grown into an incredibly well balanced and astoundingly beautiful loving mother and wife, and recently became a sibling to her long-lost sister who was adopted at birth and is less than a year younger, who unfortunately never got to meet their father who had grown up and had become a comparably decent man before his untimely demise. Sadly, my sister's condition still causes great confusion, frustration and heartbreak for her two daughters, but they now have one another to lean on for support, which has been truly invaluable in their paths to healing.

id: 606533 - Text: This is the result of child trafficking. The porn industry has a lot to answer to but society turns to play down the influence of porn. I can’t support any sex industry because this is the reality and outcome ❤️ prayers to all the women introduced to this life

id: 606543 - Text: Children cannot consent. As a minor - She was sexually abused by pedophiles - not prostituting. I think we need to mind our language around these discussions. Also the "sex work is work" mantra ignores the fact that in many cases, such as hers, it's actually abuse, misogyny, coercion, and straight up trafficking/sexual slavery. It doesn't help women like Exotic when you repeat that while turning a blind eye.

id: 606547 - Text: Most sex work is work mantra acknowledges this and is proposing a solution. To get it off the street, turn it into a legitimate business, make it regulated, safe, etc.

id: 606548 - Text: The age of consent is different in different countries around the world. What you are confusing is the "LAW" designating that a 'minor' cannot ''legally'' consent , from a proprietorial standpoint. But underage minors can and do choose to go into sex work every day, all around the world. It's terrible, it certainly isn't right for anyone involved, but speaking in ignorant absolutes like you just did actually hurts the overall ability to address inherent issues.

id: 606558 - Text: no one who believes “sex work is work” believes that coercion, abuse, trafficking etc. is acceptable.

id: 606560 - Text:  @johnymey4034  I think you are very wrong in saying they chose to go into sex work at a young age in other countries. In fact those girls who are equally young still have no understanding of the consequences of their actions, their bodies are no more ready to accept a grown man than American or European children. The only difference is that in order to survive, literally eat and survive, sometimes feed their family they must sell themselves. Do not think for a moment that the men abusing them are not pedophiles, they are, and those girls are victims too, regardless of they country they are in.

id: 606566 - Text: Sexwork is work but that is not the same as trafficking. Two different things.
