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id: 638422 - Text:  @gkimunge  hi, sorry for the late reply. It sounds like you're going or have gone through some really difficult times. It's never easy to understand when those things happen and I'm sorry. I hope you have/had a good friend, mentor or family member to be there by your side and help you through it. First, let's take a step back and say God is hypothetical. What do we know about God? God claims to be perfect, almighty and all powerful. God also claims to have given humans free will because he wanted to freely love them and for them to love freely. (You can't force someone to love you. It's only real when they voluntarily give you that love, right?) While God made humans in his image, humans are not God and therefore, not perfect, almighty and all powerful. If we follow this logic, then it's logical that humans are imperfect and will therefore make imperfect choices. Finally, if in this hypothetical, if God is real then the story of God is real, which means the devil is real also. Then, it means that this spiritual warfare exists where the devil is trying to steer humans away from God because humans are what God loves most. So, knowing that humans are imperfect because they are not God and also that the devil is trying to steer away from God what God loves most, it's clear that humans make decisions that are steered in evil and bad ways. The devil spiritually (because keep in mind in this hypothetical, there is spiritual warfare) tempts, shames, and imprisons people with evil thoughts and desires. In this logic, that is why people do bad things. However, God loved humans. Even when they are doing wrong things, if they are in bad and harmful circumstances, he always stays by their side. How does he do that? He does that by letting them know they can pray to him, by finding comfort in him, by teaching them their circumstances that they once wanted are not actually good for them, and by motivating them to get out of their circumstances. That is why this girl in this video is finding comfort and wanting to pray to God, not because someone is forcing her to. Everyone can find redemption in God. Only the devil shames you and makes you think that you're unworthy of love. And from someone who once thought "how could a good God take away my father at such a young age?", I realize there is even greater learnings and blessings I've experienced through that loss - because now, I can empathize, encourage and uplift other kids who have lost their fathers too. And the wisdom that others can share with you from their personal experience, is the most profound of all. I dont wish that this girl went through so much and find it incredibly heartbreaking that she has gone through such abuse and heartache. But her life doesn't end here and there is so much hope for her left because she can turn her life around because God loves her and fellow humans who share God's love are asking God to give more love to her.

id: 638436 - Text:  @gkimunge  ...i understand what you mean but remember God created us to have the free will to make good and bad decision. Like any parent we want the best from our kids to do the right thing but not all do it. As bad as i feel for the girl in this video she made choices in her life some good and some bad. At the end of day she can choose to continue in the life style or get out. She even said her family will welcome her back but she has to go to get treatment first but she declined because she wanted to do her own thing..

id: 638528 - Text: She’s very smart... I hope she gets out of this! You can tell she wants to get out sooo bad! Ik she will though just like she said through prayer. 🙏🏼 Also my name is Selina spelled a little different and she’s like 7 yrs younger than I am. I see her like my little sister that I would just love to help. 😊 you got this Selena if you see this video!

id: 638543 - Text: What she needs is someone who has been through similar situations as her, and made it out alive. She needs someone who won’t judge her and her past transgressions, just someone she can relate to because it will be hard for her to trust just anyone. Just someone to talk to who will guide her in the right direction. She knows her worth and wants to change she just doesn’t know how, or have the resources. She is young and still has time to get right with God and her self. I’ll give her a job. I’m in Texas but she can come work in my bakery, I’d give a place to stay, and help her. Life can beat you down but she just needs love and some help. Just so she knows there are still good people in the world who won’t use or mistreat her. Everyone has battled with there own demons. She is battling, but she is fighting back and that’s the first step to healing. Hopefully she sees this and knows there are multiple people in these comments that would be willing to extend their hand to help her. I am extending a hand, I am praying for you babygirl. God works in mysterious ways and you were supposed to do this video. Reach out for help it’s here for you! Blessings and Stay safe.

id: 638559 - Text: These mother fucken politicians need to watch all these videos maybe they can grow a heart. Why is no one mad at our political leaders, the government is not here to bail out the wealthy when there is a crisis, how about when the poor have a crisis I would think everyone agrees this girl is desperate. Pimps are fuckers, yes! but you're not going rid the world of bad people but you could give this girl a fighting chance if the government helps. What the hell is wrong with everyone

id: 638769 - Text: I love your videos they are so real; is there a reason why there is never any go fund me set up for these individuals? I would love to help in some way; breaks my heart this one..

id: 638836 - Text: Can we get an update on her PLEASE!! Ive been looking out for her next video 😭😭😭

id: 638914 - Text: You gotta wonder why God abandons his angels. I surely don't believe that children ready "to be born" into this world pick their paths in life, and their parents. I wish that Mark, the producer of this video, could provide a way to contact people like Selena and provide help.

id: 638941 - Text: All this waisted energy is exactly why she is stuck and solutions are missing from all involved, her the video maker you the viewership. Example: THE MOST IMPORTANT LESSONS: 1.SHUT UP 2.THINK IN SOLITUDE 3.CREATIVELY APPROACH THE FUTURE 4.ACT FROM PERSONAL HONOR BRAVERY 5.LEARNING LOGICALLY FOR LIFE 6.DEVELOPMENT INTELLIGENT BEHAVIORS FROM ANYWHERE YOU FIND THEM. \-_-/ be the best learner you can be. Learn about everything you find interesting and apply that to your growth. \-_-/ the video guy should have hired her🤯🤫🥱🤭🤔😯😦😲🥱

