58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 607486 - Text: In Sweden its legal to sell sex. It's highly ilegal to buy sex or control a prostitute. This is to protect prostitutes so they can go to the police and get help without consequences. I think more countries should embrace this

id: 607493 - Text: Its heartbreaking to see someone's life consist of being a sex slave. Her pimp should be charged with human trafficking and sexual abuse to a minor for when he raped and had her raped by others. I can only hope that he is dead and she is free of this life. Poor girl.

id: 607496 - Text: Reading these comments tells me ya'll lived sheltered lives. The exploitation of females will never end as long as prostitution is illegal. If it was legal and regulated it would be much easier to keep things from like this happens. Same reason we made abortion legal, alcohol, etc. In the light of day evil wont thrive. And CPS is the biggest sex trafficking ring in America.

id: 607502 - Text: Breaks me because when he interviews pimps, people always fall for the shenanigans and forget that they are nothing more but sex traffickers

id: 607512 - Text: These stories mostly only piss me off.. I just published a new book.. "12speed" .. is on Amazon and Google play.. I just don't understand who is buying sex.. Are these men I'm supposed to respect? I think I need to invest in a firearm .

id: 607551 - Text: I am in no means shaming this woman or the "crew" or whatever that is interviewing her, but why the choice of clothing in this interview? I'm not hating on it but I'm curious why any of them chose to sexualize her even more with very revealing clothing during an interview. She is legit wearing a leotard.

id: 607568 - Text: I dislike his comments. He talks like this was her choice. We should be talking about the foster system. We should be talking about who failed her parents in terms of the prison system and programs to help people who are addicted to drugs. Society failed her. When a child grows up feeling like no one loves her and cares if she succeeds…. how can a 12 year old do it on her own? And now because the system failed her, she has a grade 7 education. Then women like her get murdered (while the cops stand by) because the killer knows that society believes sex workers to be worthless so they will rarely get caught. These videos don’t do Justice to how big these stories actually are.

id: 607613 - Text: Sex work is work and she should have employee protections.

id: 607705 - Text: When a lady needs a place to stay, she thinks she has to suck me off for it, the energy such people channel is just not something i can relate with at all. They've lost the ability to see sex as anything other than a job. It's really disgusting being around such people.

id: 607706 - Text: I can't stand prostitutes cause they put a price on sex, literally made a job out of it, and they're EVERYWHERE!
