58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 608088 - Text: They're human trafficking victims groomed (manipulated) since their yougest ages, the legal porn industry is to Blame too, for most of them, these lifestyles become culturally normal, nearly healthy and familial. They're not 'prostitutes' but real freaking victims of a primitive society fueled by shit trolls, which coerce lots of them to rely on sexualized lifestyles to secure a living. FCK these shit people claiming to be elite polítics or whatsoever, they're Trolls part of a modern-primate specie. E.T. UFOs told us well what It is, in reality, to be evoluted: RUN for your life

id: 608122 - Text: Legalize sex for money, and stop this crazy underground life for girls like this.

id: 608180 - Text: Legalize sex Work! Protect these hard working people. Sex work is still WORK and it's harder and more dangerous than 99% of your white bread jobs. Legalization takes the drugs, and the pimps out of the game. It allows them to pay taxes and get tested and stay clean. This is the oldest profession in the world, and sadly it will never go away, so let's clean it up and make it safe!

id: 608208 - Text: REspEct sEx wUrkErs!

id: 608228 - Text: Sex work will always exist… it needs to be understood with empathy to most build a path out but at least make sure sex workers are protected. Jailing people for surviving a horrible life in ways we can’t understand us just inhumane.

id: 608326 - Text: I don't understand why a John would hurt a person willing to give of their bodies and spend time with them. Stop the violence towards sex workers!

id: 608337 - Text: Hey, do these girls/women liked to be referred to as prostitutes, how about sex trafficking victims?

id: 608339 - Text: This is not the first I hear of this or ladies of the same. Yet, every time I hear this I cry! It is a deep raw cry. Not just for her, but for all that has to live like this! This is not how life should be!! Now although she is quite pretty, this is not meant in a sexual way, but I've felt like holding her tight, telling her its going to be OK! Wish I could! I hope that she will experience Agapé! The love of God!!! I had to wipe tears... Not good.... Please God help this girl, help this world????!

id: 608387 - Text: Sex-worker co-op. F these pimps.

id: 608388 - Text: Why bother doing nails as a prostitute.. like no straight man would ever look at a woman’s nails.. especially if they’re paying for sex.. every minute counts and I’m sure they would rather get to the point rather than ogling over the prostitute’s nails…?
