58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 608397 - Text: Why do you always interview the women in such skimpy dress? Alittle sexist isn't it?

id: 608462 - Text: I'm aware of three statistics not all molested children become prostitutes but the vast majority of prostitutes were molested (she was probably molested in fostering that actually happens a lot and other things). Not all molested children end up with an eating disorder but the vast majority of people with eating disorders were molested. Not all molested children become asexual but vast majority of asexuals were molested. I was molested. I know lots of people who were molested. I know people with eating disorders. I know prostitutes.

id: 608529 - Text: These are very interesting comments. The sad part with is practically every sex worker has a story but because it's not put together so comprehensively like this, most people, even the ones who view this video, will still look at prostitutes the same way they did before seeing this, with no sympathy or empathy.

id: 608569 - Text: I feel so sad for this girl. She is obviously intelligent, articulate and beautiful and is now stuck in a life that is going to be hard to climb out of. If this is truly how she wants to live then that is fine. I don't have a problem with people choosing to be a sex worker if the environment can be managed safely for them and their customers. But the situation she is in is so unsafe and women like her are so often treated like a money machine by their protectors. I wish her well for the future and hope she can find a lifestyle that fulfils her and gives her and her children joy.

id: 608578 - Text: There's just not the will to protect them. Sex work has always existed and will continue regardless of what people may think of it. It seems to me that people quite often just forget they are humans with feelings just like all people. I often think people think of them as less human or less worthy of respect. If sex work were legalized, sex workers would be quite safer. And if economics were good for all or at least for most, I think that sex work would likely quite decrease.

id: 608591 - Text: I had a girlfriend who was an ex-sex worker (from 16 YO to 21) and a close friend who was a sex worker in her late 20's for a couple of years, & another who did it when we were friends in secondary school (she was 15 at the time) - all three of them came from pretty good families (the girlfriend from a great family) - they just chose to do it because they found it easy work and the money was good. Only three sex workers I've ever known, and both of them were a bit ashamed about it, but more because of the fear of judgement than because they regret it. Anecdotal I guess, but from my perspective a lot of people choose this life more than are forced into it.

id: 608706 - Text: At least she is true to who she is, unlike those fake whores on TV. I hope this beautiful woman finds herself, and the peace she deserves. And if a woman loves sex, and as long as it’s regulated against diseases, let them do it. It is the oldest profession, and will always be around.

id: 608712 - Text: Omg girl ur soooo strong. Youre doing it, save that money, get da f*ck off the streets asap before something srsly bad happens. You have all our support here on YouTube, from the Comments I've read... we are on YOUR side. You got this, go to an unemployment office, find some classes to take, get Microsoft certifications, learn to type fast... get a receptionist job. U can cover those tattoos with makeup made especially for that, like dermablend. You CAN DO THIS. I'm so, so sorry for all the horror you've been through, I'm so sorry about your brother, I'm so sorry about your addiction. You CAN DO IT. Don't let bad people take your life. They will and they don't care. They have their own issues which are theirs and only theirs. Get a weapon and mace, if u don't have one already. Good lord sweetheart I'm rooting for you. I hope to see a "one year later" vid about you and see u in ur own place with a non sex working job qith ur kids with you. All the love in the world ❀ πŸ’™ πŸ’œ

id: 608723 - Text: That's all you took away from this account, condemnation for the biological parents. Not the failings of a system/ society. It's like you are saying kids have to be born to good parents or they get thrown to the wolves and you've got nothing to say about the wolves. Prisons would solve problems if they were filled primarily with sex offenders and murderers and your bank balance didn't predetermine what degree of justice you receive in court. Unfortunately, that is not the case predators especially wealthy ones roam freely destroying children's lives, beginning for them a nightmare of a life that most turn to illicit drugs to soften assuming that they were not forced to take them to begin with. The parents probably never had a chance in life neither did the daughter. Things have to change and it's from the top down not the bottom up. Everyone even remotely connected to Epstein for instance should be executed, bank accounts frozen emails analysed for further leads, sifting right the way through the scum breed of the Earth.

id: 608741 - Text: i wish the interviever wouldnt rat-tat-tat out his questions like that...the tension he exudes somehow , still like she is under investigation...her whole life, sb somehow always assessing her or feeling they have the right to target it this time only with questions. also there too many prostitutes out there for us to repeat again and family structure, victimized, drugs to deal with it. this girl has probably got more wisdom, balls, and ridiculously, FAITH in humanity than us or the interviewer listening...i wish we would, with interviews like this, really do get to the 'underbelly' of ths human ageless for sale and the fine line to exploitation, violence and hate towards this most physically loving of professions...what a paradox. i ask anybody reading. could you let any random stranger caress your feet, expose yourself in words, and leave having given this human a fulfilled enough time that he wishes to return and you yourself have the energy, positivity to repeat this!?,,,just to keep things moving ..most not even with their chosen spouses...we so underestimate THEIR CAPACITY FOR HUMAN LOVE.. i wish it would lead the listener there...that we may learn what keeps this woman so sweet, so fragile and still so unjudgemental.... i by now would have become a killer not a lover..
