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id: 608808 - Text: This breaks my fuckin heart😓😞😓😩 She right folks don’t understand 😞😞 The emotional and mental abuse Don’t get me started on sexual abuse.

id: 608932 - Text: wow this girl is very beautifuli dont mean in a dirty sexy way obv she is stunning but you couldnt tell her cos it would be disrespectful but ye i would order her for 3 hours pay then when she starts to undress i would say....i will be honest you are obv sexy as hell but 4get about what i want want do you want instead and takr her out or watevs shr wanted to do..she may yurn round anf say nooooo fuvk that i wanna fuvk i would say ....wellllĺlĺllll we could. buuuuuut...i wouldnt i could not turn down this girl she is gorgeous

id: 608946 - Text:  @truth4thoughttv765  did you not read what I commented 💀 it's not as simple as "she could've made a choice" life isn't that easy her life would've been in danger regardless since she didn't have the available resources to move safely at that age and this goes for all the other women in her position or who have a pimp they can't just waltz away like nothing they will get killed most of them are forced to have sex with random ass people to meet their quota money they never see again, if they leave they die or get tracked down if they don't have the right resources they won't be able to leave safely

id: 608979 - Text: a 13 year old isn't a prostitute, they're a victim of sex trafficking. Someone who sleeps with a 13 year old is a pedophile and a child rapist. You cannot have consentual sex with a 13, or any child. That's rape. Nothing else.

id: 608980 - Text: Even as a male, I can relate to her story! I was fifteen years old when I began hanging on the streets. One night, some of my peers from school and some older guys from the block were hanging out late at night. An even older man came with a woman seemingly in her early to mid twenties. She didn't look like, or at least how media portrays, a drug addict! At the time, I was learning hood dialect so I didn't totally understand what one of the older cats was telling me. All I understood was she would do something and how much money you got? I had fourteen dollars for some cannabis, but long story short he went first then I went next! It wasn't until the middle of it, with me, she asked if I had drugs! I was so naïve! Now looking back it's funny to think how I thought no drugs but weed was in my town! However, this was during the housing boom and the drug problem was kept a secret then! Now as an adult in mid thirties, this is how I see that experience! I already had mental and emotional problems made worse, because it taught me not to work at my esteem! Once in my late teens to early twenties, when I had problems in my relationship I would turn to sex with exes, random women, and prostitutes! Which, in hindsight, was nothing but addict behavior! I became a full addict when I did two years in prison, after the end of that relationship! Through my experience, most prostitutes are nice and honest! You have your bad apples that will do all kinds of fuck shit, but most of the ones I was with were cool! And not just with the sex aspect! I've had some bring me food when I was homeless and give me really good advice for survival! Some things in life can take you in a dark place but you still can find diamonds there! I'm only afraid of dating one because of the abuse one goes through will make any person want to lash out at the one or ones perceived as the weaker versions of your attackers! But I'm working on myself to be stronger! People like this can only understand me, because we are us and we are together!💯❤

id: 609074 - Text: Sex workers are daughters, sisters, and mothers like you and me. They come from broken homes and need compassion. It’s quite sad how society discriminate these individuals.

id: 609173 - Text: the literal branding on human beings to subjugate them is absolute filth. breaks my heart she seems well put together compared to alot of the other interviews with other sex workers. I know she will most likely be dead at a young age but i hope she gets better. Allah bless you my love, wishing you the best. Watching her ponder the answer to her biggest regret is just heartbreaking. Her advice is impeccable shes wise, she has potential to be something greater. does she have a go fund me ??

id: 609188 - Text: she has sex with married men and you guys think that is fine???????

id: 609191 - Text: Man’s world is very hard and unfair for women.I am a man but I think how would our world looks like if the “weak sex” ruled. Wound we have less violence, less exploitation and more love?

id: 609215 - Text: I hope this guy (mark, i think) reads his highest-rated comment and takes it seriously. (thank you Izala Rose). I have been watching several of these videos today. As someone who works with ex-sex workers, addicts, the homeless population, etc every day, I find about half of what this guy says to be extremely disturbing. He has blamed sex abuse victims. In this video, he said "some pimps are trying to help prostitutes" He refers to child sexual exploitation as prostitution ... The people he interviews are amazing and I value getting to hear their stories. I'm realizing now that the interviewer, on the other hand, is generally arrogant ignorant, and ego-driven
