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id: 609237 - Text: Girl you are beautiful & so fucking strong. Ive had a similar situation but not as extreme, and so I can understand what you mean when you say we dont do it because we like SeX. We did it for funds to survive. We did it because we didnt have a diploma to get a good job. I completely hear you. I also did drugs while I was pimped. Its a horrible time. I pray over you and I pray that you have a guardian angel to watch over you. I pray someone comes and saves you from this life, or you save yourself from it. For me, I got lucky i found a good man that loves me and totally disregaurds all ive been thru. I pray that you find real happiness in life, get your kids back, get sober, and find jesus. You deserve it, 🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼💖 sending love strength and healing prayers

id: 609238 - Text: This is so heartbreaking... further proof we need more (and better) programs to help people like this in need. Anyone claiming people are poor by choice, or sex slaves by choice, needs to get a clue and listen to some of these interviews about these girls' lives.

id: 609256 - Text:  @becomingchannel9674  ROFLOLMAO @ the dumbass implying that she "chose" to be born to a drug-addicted mother, and she "chose" to be forced into group-homes at a young age, and she "chose" to be forced into the sex-trade as a child, and she "chose" to be abused .... you are on a whole other level of stupid.

id: 609274 - Text: Sex work should be an industry not an illegalized taboo dominated by sex traffickers. Exotic could have a regular job if sex work was legal

id: 609285 - Text: They say sex workers are disloyal but they're ironically the most loyal people 😂 I don't get men at times. Alot of married men preach about conservative values but they're paying prostitutes for sex. Worse, some want it all for free. A prostitute is loyal to the money. Just pay up and you'll get what you want but a so-called faithful man? He'll make up a bunch of reasons why you need to lower your standards, suck up to him, have self respect, and accept his cheap love. The hypocrisy and fakeness are just too much 😂

id: 609301 - Text: This is sad. Heartbreaking. Quotas. Yeah, she was sexually trafficked.

id: 609324 - Text: Terrible to watch. Its so much better when its fully legal. I had a few dates that involved money and an arrangement, but i met them using a website for women who really just do it for fun or as a side-gig. Like for example the one i have been seeing for the longest time, she studied mathematics and now works as a software developer for business applications using microsoft technologies and she is in an open marriage with a real-estate lawyer and she would have such dates maybe 2-3 times per week. The one who surprised me the most worked as a project manager in marketing for a really big TV station. These women are very particular about which clients they accept, there usually is a first date that has to go well that is just like a regular first date with no money or sex involved. Then they do somewhere between one and 5 dates per week, get several hundreds euros for each, and keep ALL of the money. That does not work in an environment where you have to fear prosecution, criminalisations and sting operations.

id: 609334 - Text: That was me at the same age 10 years ago.. So awful to know exactly more or less what's she's going through if not probably far worse because I was tortured and almost seriously killed. I thank God Survived with my Life but it was thee most Traumatizing experience of My Life and that's also because i was forced literally that's why when i tried to leave he (this was my bf at the time) wasn't having that so it could've ended tragically at the young age of 22 and would've been one terrible way to be murdered but now all that experience was is just a horrible memory. I'm Sooo glad i got out when i did and don't ever have to live that way. Wasn't my choice as i mentioned and the lifestyle i chose so idk what else to say other than i know how it feels to be lost in Love and Addiction to the point of no return even if it's Against your will.. There's gotta be some will power left in you to have the courage to walk out or heck run like i had to.. find the strength to not walk in those shoes anymore.. Especially when they don't fit. Leave those things behind.. i barely had the clothes on my back and was actually barefoot running as fast as i could from the abusive monster that i allowed to make me think and believe i wasn't worth more than this mentality and I'd love to tell him today what ah straight fool he is if i could stand being in the same room as him but i absolutely cannot. I haven't seen him since that day i finally got out and away. You COULDN'T PAY ME to ever wanna see his face AGAIN. I won't even go to that City since then. I hate that place. Never again would i allow a man or anything make me do something like this ever again. It took a long time to heal and get over that.. I'm still healing parts of Me that were Broken but it's Okay. I don't have to live that way anymore AND I DON'T FEEL WORTHLESS ANYMORE. I Learned to Love myself and realize I'm worth more than a Sex object and can actually make money not degrading myself. It's quite a lovely realization and i don't ever wanna feel that way the way i felt before. If you would've met me then compared to now you'd be amazed. And today i Love Life and I'm a Mommy of 5 & soon to be Wife and this man cherishes the ground i walk on and i blessed to be Alive. I pray for those unfortunate going through the same at this very moment and i hope and say prayers that one day they can be freed from the bondage that's Holding them captive. It's never too late until it's Its too Late then what.. Just think about that if you're going through Something similar.. please think about yourself and your beautiful future.. i never thought I'd have any kids but look at me now, they are the most beautiful precious gifts I've ever experienced my whole entire 32 years of life. I wish one day whoever is reading this can maybe just maybe. . Seek help for whatever is holding you back from your true potential and GET YOURSELF BACK. 💯💯💯 💓Life is Beautiful & LIFE IS TOO SHORT to cut yourself short. 🎭 YOLO ♡Cuts For Luck & Scars For Freedom ♡

id: 609403 - Text: A women like this shouldn't have kids. And I have a hard time feeling sorry for people who can leave a dangerous situation they're in. People ignore the fact that women can walk away from abusive relationships and situations. And if they don't, then their just putting themselves in harms way. I understand sometimes you can't leave. But a lot of women can and just don't. Coming from someone who's been in abusive household and been sexually abused because my mother was too selfish to walk away. I don't feel bad for women who put themselves in nasty situations when they simply don't have to. Will not be commenting to anyone!

id: 609495 - Text: The thing I don’t understand is if anything why not just strip… Rather than actually have sex for money… Stripping is bad to, but you can make pretty much the same amount of money and not have to actually have sex at least. Well… for the most part.
