58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 609507 - Text: Just another prime example of why sex work should be legal. They deserve good pay, benefits, and protections.

id: 609527 - Text: Pimps are a very interesting profile into the human psyche. On the outside, they are supposed to provide somebody who protects them from the vagaries/violence of being a prostitute, which is somewhat true. On the real, they are people who prostitutes use to be used. Prostitutes love being exploited, and that is true for both the johns that pay for their services, as well as the pimps who take what they make. Nobody can get a prostitute to accept being taken care of, just so long as they agree to not being a prostitute. They simply won't accept a life in the lap of luxury. Their life/worth is based on being used as a sex object. That, my friends, is the basis of the relationship between a pimp and a prostitute. Women LOVE being seen as desirable, whether it is monetary or sexually. They give their pimps money because their pimps love money, and they give their johns sex because their johns desire sex with them.

id: 609547 - Text: damn, she is quite sexy, i would marry her in a heart beat, prostitution is what you do, not who you are...

id: 609578 - Text: i´m sad cause the prostitution is kinda violation or sexual abuse with pagment. i respect the prostitues but i can´t respect the clients, you know what i mean it...injustice is shit and opportunities never be able to all people since always it seems the support is selective.

id: 609620 - Text: Most honest and raw interview with a sex worker that I've ever watched and I think none of us who have never lived like her can imagine how hard it is. She sounds so mature and experienced for her age and that life experience cannot be lerned in school. Sad she's had such a hard life and I wish the very best for her

id: 609626 - Text: Sex work is work only when it’s a choice. Child prostitution does not exist. They’re abuse victims.

id: 609726 - Text: I’m wondering why the “concerned” filmmaker felt it necessary to objectify her by using a shot moving the camera slowly down her body in a sexual way. Behavior says everything. What an exploitative asshole in the guise of a concerned heterosexual male. Please…

id: 609858 - Text: Prostitution should be legal so that it can be monitored it would make it safer for the sex workers

id: 609889 - Text: honey maguire your enemy is not most people its the Gov and their police is not a crime but they say it is so be careful of Gov and Police

id: 610009 - Text: @Precious Moment while traditions and religion exist, the marriage institution still be alive. So, maybe that could happen someday. 🤔 I mean yes, maybe in USA it could happen, but how about love, and feeling when people afraid of loneliness. That's why they git married yes? Not only fir having sex, bcs nowadays you can hookup easily even for free). So, thats my opinion .
