58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 610014 - Text: Can we change the name of the title? It is very degrading & misleading. She is not a prostitute; she is a VICTIM of child sexual abuse. 13 FUCKING YEARS OLD!! She had absolutely no choice.

id: 610029 - Text: She is the woman you will find on Cheaters for having Sex in the City. But what does a prostitute have to do with God or money? She will take your money and drag your soul to hell all the while you think you are having the time of your life. Her reputation as a socialite is well known, and her clientele men from all walks of life. But when she heard Jesus was in town, she took her most precious perfume and went to meet him. He had a reputation as a holy man, and she was just the harlot roaming town. Sure enough, when these two met, it did make headline news. Three times Jesus interacted with these kinds of women men for obvious reasons need to avoid yet still fall for. This is not about who touched who first, but whose touch impacted the other's reputation the most. Because every time Jesus touched someone or was touched by someone, something divine happened. This woman was financially successful for the perfume she has chosen for him was very expensive. She was determined to use every drop of her costly perfume on this man of God. She came to Jesus not to seduce him, but because she desired something from him no other man could give her. She was a woman in need and he was a man of love and forgiveness. But this was no secret meeting. And she caused quite a stir when she took that vase, full of expensive perfume, and poured it on the head and feet of Jesus while he was dining with a prominent religious figure of the community. The whole room just lit up with the sweet scent of her perfume when she broke the alabaster jar and made her intentions clear. How she got inside and passed security, no one knows. It was not a public restaurant where business deals were set and sealed. It was a private residence. And if Jesus is anything like today's celebrities or politicians, his bodyguards would have stopped and prevented her from getting any signature or a selfie. But she came for something else. She brought him a gift. In a time when he needed something himself in preparation for the most significant act of love, the world would ever witness. But one greedy man remarked, what a waste. This perfume could have been sold and the proceeds given to the poor? But Jesus defended her before they could push her out the door. Leave her alone, for she has anointed me for my burial. He knew that his mission, to die for the sin of the world, was only a few days away. But sorrow did turn into joy like a good movie when God raised him from the dead 3 days after his crucifixion. Then he said, what she did for me this day, will be shared around the world, in memory of her. Not only did he defend this woman, but he also promised her a prominent place in the gospel and paradise to come. That's her love story, for a savior and king recorded in all four gospels.

id: 610084 - Text: Not a fan of this interviewer. Making it sound like some pimps try to help girls(?) Wow. I listened to another interview with a sexual abuse victim and he said “you had a sexual relationship with your dad”? Ummm. No. She was raped! I just can’t with this guy.

id: 610128 - Text: This is the reality of sex work :(( that's why I never support the sex work is real work position

id: 610214 - Text: When I think human trafficking this is who I think of. Every citizen in this country should be required to watch it. Every person who has ever paid for sex, every young girl that thinks “ owning “ her sexuality and profiting from it is empowering or somehow saying f you to the patriarchy. Every person who judges others and every person who believes some magical hero is coming to save us. This is on all of us.

id: 610231 - Text: There are lots of people that do sex work out of their own volition. I think especially if someone does it online or as a high class escort with actual safety measures in place, especially if they don't have a pimp taking all of their money. I have friends that do OnlyFans and are sugar babies, but they do it on their own terms and enjoy it. It's a million times safer than going out on the streets. There is a way to do sex work ethically, but unfortunately since it's illegal there is no way to make sure the workers are safe and fairly compensated. We need to crack down on human trafficking big time.

id: 610250 - Text: Cue all the "woke" people telling us how "empowering" it is to be a sex worker 🙄

id: 610253 - Text: What I don't understand are the men who would pay a woman for sex knowing full well that unless there is an exchange of money this woman would not touch them with a ten foot pole. How desperate are they? I am 48 and not even if my life depended on it would I harass some clearly trafficking and abused 13 year old boy for sexual gratification. It's sick. Who are these men? WHY are these men? Don't get me started on pimps, so gross, please karma deal with those monsters fast.

id: 610277 - Text: What irks me about the interviewer is that while he's very sympathetic and we hear the victim's life story, current hardships, etc., we all know what a sex worker has to do and how many kinks there are! Please, don't ask the "titillation questions" if you want us to see you, the interviewer, as the person you are portraying yourself to be. I notice this is done especially with the female interviewees and much less with the males.

id: 610281 - Text: She started at 13. To me, from there, no matter what she did or does, society ows her much. I hate men, most are predators, they make this world unsafe for girls (children in general) and women..and i won't hear '' she made a choice''.. No girl dreams to grow up to become a prostitute..most are victimized sexually very early in life,by the poeple meant to protect them, and so when they turn to prostitution it' s not really a choice. I often hear men talk of porn stars or prostitutes as women who willingly chose '' an easy job''. Easy bc most men don' t experience objectification or coerced rape or the social consequences of sexual promuscuity (like internalizing society's judgements, when sex is trully consentual.. Let alone when it's a '' job''.. You ceaze to be a person). Men pretend it coukdn' t possibly be bad to take money in exchange of a service that they insist these women must enjoy. And even those who admit the truth, pretend there s no alternative and that these girls need the money more than they need men to boycott the sex trade. That would have some merit if not for the fact that prostitutes barely earn enough to have the option to live well nor quit that life and they are mostly exploited by their pimps and endangered by clients and unprotected by the law..
