58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 610318 - Text: 13??????? I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that she had to endure this at the age of 13 or that there are sick John’s out there getting off on having sex with a child

id: 610339 - Text: "prostitute" is a degrading term, I can tell yall dont care about sex workers lmao

id: 610533 - Text: There are no good pimps out there like the interviewer implied. Pimps take advantage of women no matter how you try to portray them. Getting paid for the work a woman does and her sexual acts is not helping her out. That is simply taking advantage of her. Acting as a bodyguard is different, but she should be the one making the majority of the money, not the other way around.

id: 610608 - Text:  @leakypussy9813  No, especially when these wealthy (and usually married with children) doctors and scientists look for hookers and pay them for sex. If it wasn't for them, the prostitution wouldn't have existed (or there would be much less of it).

id: 610678 - Text: These are amazing interviews. You have a very calm inviting demeanor. May I ask why you choose to introduce the sex workers as prostitutes? Prostitute has a very criminal notation behind it and truthfully it should be called what it is Sex Work. There is a phenomenal reference to the politically correct term to use in the judicial system in season 5 of the show BILLIONS on Showtime. I believe it is episode 7 or 8. Worth a watch for some context to my comment.

id: 610695 - Text: You've got a crazy insight into these things that people can't even imagine. Even after they watch these videos their eyes aren't opened. It's a hard life and if people think you're speaking out of school it can cause trouble. I'm grateful that there is a chanel actually showing what being a sex worker is like, it makes me wanna cry hearing my voice heard.

id: 610734 - Text: Prostitution is choice .too..many women who stumbles to profession as this as result of deceit and indegence..i feel they do this to survive due to lack of resources education backup But women who does these voluntarily, eg even higher luxury level of prostitution known as escort service, are ones would never remotely gain any sympathy empathy watever. ..these women just provide sex in exchange of money and their involvement of selling sex is without enticement and coercion

id: 610781 - Text: ever wonder why sex outside the bounds of legal marriage is nothing but transgression. Think about that. let it sink in.

id: 610852 - Text: As a victim of sexual assault this interview really stuck with me. People you’d never expect will take advantage of you and hurt you. I really hope she is able to get away from this life.

id: 610872 - Text: Sadly in a few months from this interview Mark does try to help her and moved her away and gives her money for her and her children and a whole new life and she stabbed him in the back ripped him off for quite a bit of money and gave it straight to her pimp.. I mean Mark bought her a car relocated her and gave her several thousand dollars but she would not change her phone number as Mark asked her to and then we found out why. One time he goes to visit in the house is full of sex toys and lingerie no kids or kids stuff in sight and she admits she gave it all to her pimp who lives in the house with her that Mark paid for she sits there like a silent coward and doesn't even ever say she sorry... she had a very shitty life but that is absolutely no reason to screw him over like she did specially without any remorse or apology she's a hopeless waste so sorry for her kids if she even has any probably just a lie to get more money out of Mark
