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id: 610876 - Text:  @justicekrista5665  dont assume things you don’t know. Pimps are abusers she’s a domestic violence victim … it’s hard to escape abuse … they could follow you and threaten your kids . Just as she said many sex workers die, you’re only thinking from a place of obviously not being in an abusive dynamic YOUR WHOLE LIFE. just be thankful you’re not in her situation , don’t judge or criticize her because you only know wtf she or mark put on the internet for us to know.

id: 610877 - Text:  @gracedama5655  okay I agree to a certain extent and thank you for your advice hun but just for the record I was sex trafficked by my own mother since age four and thinning some very bad relationships the light got the hell away from them as soon as I got a good chance to he said he totally relocated her and everything but she would not change her phone number so that was the beginning of the end

id: 610904 - Text: This is akin to slavery and has no place in a civilised society. The pimps need to be treated as modern day human sex traffickers and receive the kind of justice they dispense in China

id: 610909 - Text: She's a beautiful person, inside and out. I swear I hate this cruel world, and people who abuse children sexually are the worse of the worst. I'm always praying for the most marginalized . Wish I had the money 💰 to get them off the streets.

id: 610957 - Text: Let's be clear, she didn't become a prostitute at 13, she was sex trafficked by a sex trafficker. You simply cannot be a hooker as a child, even as a teenager because she was a minor. This is the issue with the laws and the exploitation and labeling. Okay, after watching the entire video it looks like I'm guna have to be one of the few that's real here. I have absolute compassion for Exotic. What's she's gone through is unimaginable and then some. My heart goes out to her and truly wants the best for her. As a mother I can empathize with her pain but..... but... she's 23 with NO pimp and can easily get out. The interviewer isn't saying this to her, isn't telling her she can get out and instead they tell her she's got good intuition?? I'm sorry, but if she had good intuition she'd know to get the fuck out now before she's dead! Why are people not seeing this obviousness that's honestly disturbing? It's like they're rationalizing this lifestyle choice. I understand why it would become an addiction, and why they'd get back into it. But she would make way more money by sharing her story and her experiences on her own Youtube channel or something to educate young girls and boys on why this isn't a life for anyone. I was triggered when the guy said, "This isn't a life for just anyone" -WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE SAY THAT?! That implies that some girls can take it and some can't. This is such an insult to her wellbeing and she didn't even take that for what it was. These people obviously don't give a fuck about her and just used her for views. If they really cared about her, they would've provided her with help. Maybe they did (I HOPE)?? Girls in the life on the streets are brainwashed into believing they don't deserve any better so they continue to stay in it. When you have a pimp, they will definitely stop at nothing to keep you in it because they aren't pimps, they're sex traffickers. They keep girls hostage until they no longer want you and or kill you. I can't imagine the abuse she's endured and I hope and pray she realizes that the cage is in her mind and she's already free now! She doesn't need to be in this life anymore and can change if she's brave enough to do so. The money is addictive and the drugs is a way to numb the pain from the abuse. It's a vicious cycle that never ends until either she gets help from professionals or from someone she trusts OR she does it herself. Stop rationalizing this people. Tell her she needs to GET OUT. Just interviewing her won't do it, she needs to hear what she deserves and that starts with telling her the truth.

id: 610982 - Text: I watched all three. I commented elsewhere on an appropriate therapy model that could be mimicked with different scenarios. I can't decide if you, the interviewer genuinely want to help or want to play favorite, making you the opposite side of the penny ..heads being you and tails being the pimps. Either way, as a therapist to children for years and adults with disabilities, I offered what may or may not be a more sensible approach to similar scenarios. Ideas are always helpful to add to the resource bank. I also can't decide if she wants to change or if she is just playing fiddle to you the way she does men.. which by the end would appear so, but that lies in your approach. She seemed to want to try but her brain is not wired or programmed to stick to one thing. You have to understand how the shifts in people's perceptions change coupled with their experience and use healthier modes of activity using the same triggers... Example; far fetched and different from the model I said in another comment; she's used to men paying her for sex and changing men regularly. So she craves socialisation for sure, you're taking for granted that she dislikes all aspects of her position, but she's accustomed to a lot of scenarios that we are not and has codependent bonds that aren't easily broken. If you example, hired men and slowly introduced a few women to pay her to dance perform with her ..using difficult and somewhat hard use and training ... You could redirect the codependency issue. And slowly gain momentum in other directions. Your current approach to turning her into a housewife with benefits won't work BC she's accustomed to and possibly addicted to hard use and male companionship... Food for thought. You the interviewer have no formal training and asking the public to give money to this woman to take it easy is hardly changing gears for her. The model my friend uses is a farm. Everything is grown on site with mostly female, young professional counsellors teaching grow, prepare... Go for lake swims..smoke joints.. have song circle and they sleep on site and have Counseling and training for job independence and self direction. You aren't offering practical solutions to this girl and she'll need EXTENSIVE training to redirect. Your approach, may be well intended but it may well end up degrading her further. Depending on how thick-skinned she is.

id: 611012 - Text: When we talk about being a “prostitute” at 13 years old - we are actually talking about a child who has been a victim of child sexual exploitation. We should be making this clear in our terminology. A pimp is an organised criminal who should be prosecuted and the clients jailed. Children cannot consent when they are being enforced to do something. Hoping she can find the help/support she needs to find freedom from this oppression!

id: 611037 - Text: Even the name of this video is degrading. This is a victim of child sex trafficking….

id: 611039 - Text:  @PitaaaBby  eh I disagree, he just tittles the video according to their lifestyle. Most prostitues ARE victims of child sex trafficking. If he was to change the titles in all of his videos it would be too long “victim of child neglect, abuse, etc; victim of child sex trafficking and foster care abuse; predator doing sex trafficking but calls himself “pimp”; victim of spousal abuse, etc etc“.

id: 611046 - Text:  @RedRoseSeptember22  I’ve never ever heard a leftist say a 13 year old person can consent to sex. Leftists care about consent - especially in children, but also in adults (drunk, unconscious, sleeping individuals). I only ever hear erosion of the need to consent from conservatives (not concerning 13 year olds though )
