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id: 611047 - Text: Why don't these girl's and boys get in trouble in statutory rape cases? They know it's wrong, but only the person above the age of consent gets into trouble. It amazes me because almost all of these kids know right from wrong. The law doesn't excuse them when it comes to stealing and murder, the only time they cannot get into trouble is when they have sex under age. Close that loop hole and you would see far less at statutory rape. Throw these girls and boys who lie about their age to someone to have sex with them into jail. Plus make them accountable for having sex with people they know they aren't supposed to. The system now is severely broken. I can't think of any other situation where two people who do the exact same thing wrong are treated so differently.

id: 611056 - Text:  @billyjohn9192  you’re a moron. Children are vulnerable and to be protected. They are not consenting when they are pressured to have sex. They are not consenting when they agree to anything under age. No loop hole there. Adults should never take advantage. I can’t believe I’m wasting my time even replying to you with this and don’t bother responding because you’re clearly messed up in the head to think it’s the child’s responsibility and nothing you can say would change that. I’m only doing so because out of justice you should be told. So maybe it’s you that’s done this and now justifies it in your head. Remember this billy. Adult, child. Adult, child….does not translate to equal relationship. Children (underage) are the vulnerable ones. Not the adults. Disgraceful.

id: 611065 - Text:  @vkrgfan  my point is a kid knows better than to steal, a kid knows better than to kill someone. But somehow they don't know better than to have sex underage? Now I'm not talking about kids under 14, even though many kids have been charged as adults at that age. But I do believe older kids know better.

id: 611068 - Text:  @billyjohn9192  They know, but they may not have safety net. If parents are drug addicts, who is going to put food on your table? So often children becoming easy prey for pimps because pimps promise them safety, shelter and food in exchange for sex work. Now, if our social programs would check up on children to make sure that they are alright abs safe that probably would happen less but until then this things will continue to happen.

id: 611078 - Text:  @susanamontesdoca7066  So tell me, why are they responsible when it comes to all other illegal activity but underage sex? They know it's illegal to steal, murder, but have no clue it's against the law to have sex underage? Why should they be allowed to get away with breaking the law in that situation?

id: 611083 - Text:  @jungleforeva  I definitely wouldn't have stopped reading. What happens to boys that age is equally as horrifying as what happens to girls, and I am so sorry that you had to have those experiences. Child sex trafficking is child sex trafficking, regardless of the gender of the child, and I don't understand why law enforcement wouldn't simply be focused on saving CHILDREN. So sad. THANK YOU for being open and honest and sharing your story! Also, congratulations on seven years and on the beautiful life you built! I have been in recovery for 15 years now from heroin addiction, and it's amazing what life can be like on the other side. 💜

id: 611084 - Text:  @billyjohn9192  I hope this is a joke. One person in your scenario RAPED A CHILD. The other was a VICTIM OF A CRIME. THEY CANNOT CONSENT TO SEX. You want to send crime victims to prison? You honestly sound like someone defending rape and pedophilia.

id: 611085 - Text:  @billyjohn9192  They're NOT breaking the law. The adults having sex with them are breaking the law. They are the victim of the crime, not conspirators.

id: 611086 - Text:  @jenromano19  I can't believe women are for this law it's a law that basically tells them who they can have sex with. After all in the huge majority of statutory rapes it is by their boyfriend who is a couple of years older. Where I came from girls only dated guys who were a couple of years older than them (which put them at about the same level emotionally). So to say somehow that these girls don't know any better is nonsense. If they really want to get rid of the majority of statuatory rape cases either pass a Romeo and Juliet law or make both parties get into trouble.

id: 611099 - Text:  @RedRoseSeptember22  what are you talking about? ‘Leftists’ don’t advocate child sexual abuse or trafficking. Where are you getting this idea from?
