31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 643779 - Text: I've watched numerous of these videos but i won't lie this story lick me fi 6 jah know ..... I truly pray u get the opportunity to get off the streets n get those heart less monsters lock the fuck up

id: 643799 - Text: I've become so numb to videos like this, it scares me

id: 643835 - Text: When she started to explain the hostage situation, i thought to myself this has to be some attempt at a sadistic ass porno for the dark web. Poor Ann. Makes you wonder how many of those xxx videos are real with real victims. smh

id: 643852 - Text: Been watching these interviews for a few hours today and feeling down hearing all the stories. Reading the comments is making me think I probably shouldn't watch this video right now

id: 643854 - Text: Notice how she is dressed in this video. Young ladies wear stuff like this on the regular thinking they are sexy. I always question the ladies that are college educated and tell them to because about the music they listen to because you don’t know the harm that person has went through. Megan and cardi and foxy for example. They are straight out sexualized but why? I think outwardly doing that is a way to rationalize through the pain. So when I see girls that supposed to be successful learning those hurt behaviors it’s disgusting to me. Stop being followers women

id: 643902 - Text: I'm so very curious how much do you pay these women to come pour out their heart for YouTube video I hope it's a lot of money. They need true help anyone watching this that has money should donate

id: 643919 - Text: Now if I was walking down the street, I would have never guess this woman had experienced these events. And no cares enough ,to look for her just threw all her things away. Makes me think how lucky my parents were in my life to guide and mentor me. Great video.

id: 643980 - Text: This is horrific. I wish I could have done something for this lady when she was young to help her escape this brutal torture. I don’t even have words for this. I thought i was suffering in my own life until I saw this video.

id: 644000 - Text: I believe this torture video will be on the dark net. This was organised. These evil fuckers are often lawyers, Drs and people we trust. (Not all but don't be surprised) they are protected by the higher authorities.

id: 644004 - Text: I haven't seen the follow-up video yet but I hope that some of the 20K (and I can't believe that's all you braised to date) I thought it would have been hundreds of thousands [@based on these stories)] should go to her I think. But again I haven't seen a follow-up that. Shemight be doing a lot better. I mean you know, respectively. Getting ready to what's the follow-up video. I hope she's doing better. Poor thing
