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id: 611165 - Text: If there wasn't a market for the sexual exploitation of children, these so called "pimps" would be out of business. So who's more dangerous: those pieces of shit pimping children, or the pieces of shit trying to have sex with them?

id: 611169 - Text: Who then goes out and has sex for money, you know, like a prostitute.

id: 611173 - Text:  @vincer7824  It's basically trafficking, the sex workers, developed to feed on the energy, they can't seem to help it, much like judges, cops, doctors, and generals do so in locking up and torturing anyone that dares speak up about abuse in a manner that they don't approve of, have left me spitting and pi ssing blood after giving me back the memories of abuse in rituals with a mkultra mind control trigger, locking me up around 10 months total, sarasota, florida authorities.

id: 611194 - Text:  @RedRoseSeptember22  yep.most of these people complaining about your comment dont know shit about what go's on.the left and demorats think its ok to indoctrinat young kids into believing their a different sex.letting them hang around mental unstable people who think they're a different sex.trying to make pedophilia the norm and lets not forget all the child trafficking them mf's do.just this week Florida sheriffs busted child sex traffickers that work for Disney.they wete leftest.the list can go on and on and a lot of people just dont know how fkd the left is.not all but the majority.

id: 611198 - Text: Ya but let's not automatically link sex work with child trafficking. There are many who like to do that for politician reasons and it's bullshit.

id: 611199 - Text: You guys realize government intervention making sex work illegal is why it is so unsafe for them right? Same thing as with the drug war. Thank goodness the government is "protecting" us! 🙄

id: 611203 - Text: The pimp aint the 1s doing it, real pimps dnt condone in organized sex trafficking especially of children, but your government definitely does

id: 611216 - Text: Most definitely. About 28 % of children in America have been molested. Imagine the dark figure of crime that hasn't been reported. She's been sexually abused since young

id: 611224 - Text: these traffickers selling these women have social media like snapchats, bragging about how much money they are making from these girls, they have more than one phone they do recruiting, they show themselves chilling in the car waiting for the cash while the girls are making the money for them, its horrific, and these guys are on a power trip because society allows for them to get away with this, sex has been glamorized. Another dark side to this is sex trafficking is a family business thing, passed down from generation to generation, pimp to pimp, mother to daughter. People are not aware of this either, because who wants to talk about this?

id: 611227 - Text:  @jungleforeva  I know your right. Several guys I've dated have been sexually abused by mom's boy friends. Family members, clergy, coaches, ECT. Way way under covered as VERY few boys ever open up about it. But a perve is a perve if you like kids boys girls will do. People act all surprised. But you don't leave your son's or daughters alone with people. Mine were glued to my body. You can say I didn't have a life, but I say my kids were are my life. I'm normally calm funny joking put I'd torture and disappear someone lookin funny at my kids. No matter there age. 18 I'll still be on who there around. Now 30 & 26 everyone knows you don't know psycho till you touch mine, it's bad for your health go on to someone else. 💯 I'm sure sorry you were out there so young. So not your fault, 13 is a baby. Boys or girls the sick adults are the pigs. Tell everyone school Dr. 911. Principle any and everyone. Details names everything. Please don't protect non of them. 🐷
