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id: 611237 - Text:  @jungleforeva  I am someone who cares for the boys but I know some won't. That sickens me, because actually the first time that I read about a male being r**ed, I was sicker in my stomach than when I read the female stories, and I think that is because I rarely ever hear the stories of the boys and men out here getting abused like that. It's always still to this day a bit more terrifying for me to read a male's story. However, all these crimes committed against both sexes are of course equally traumatizing and disgusting. I wish nothing but better for everyone.

id: 611240 - Text: They do, they get charged with child endangerment and all hit with child sex crimes so they have to register as an offender the rest of their life lol off pimping

id: 611244 - Text: Something about this interview seems exploitative. First, the title of it like you suggest. Sex worker or trafficking victim might be more appropriate. Second, it seems like the interviewer tries really hard at one point to see how many johns she sees nightly.

id: 611264 - Text:  @billyjohn9192  i’m sorry, what? It surprised you that a grown man was prosecuted for having sex with a kid? First of all, did he know that she was 15? If he did, then he’s a pedophile and a child rvpist. Children cannot consent ever no matter what. They don’t have the brain development to comprehend things like that or the damage the cause. A grown man should be held responsible, not the little girl, and I’m glad that your friend is in prison. You’re disgusting to still that pedophile your friend.

id: 611273 - Text:  @billyjohn9192  are you really comparing “having sex” as a child with killing someone? Are you stupid?

id: 611275 - Text:  @billyjohn9192  when you’re rapped you are the victim and when you murder someone you are the criminal, that’s how it works and they are very different, a sexually abused child doesn’t has the mindset of a killer honey, do you understand? And I still it’s unbelievable how you could blaming a 13 year old girl for being rapped

id: 611299 - Text: Even young girls know they will get in trouble for stealing so why aren't we telling them they will get into trouble for having sex when they are to young?

id: 611302 - Text: Of course I agree with that, but the cases I'm talking about and the cases that are much more common are the ones when the boy is a couple of years older than the girl or when the girl lied about her age. Those are the times I think girls need to be held responsible for actions. Anytime anyone is forced to do anything by anyone is wrong in my book. However when a girl willingly has sex before the legal age of consent means she should also get in trouble in my book. They know it's wrong so why do they think they can get away with it? Because they can. Either make the law fair to boys or get rid of it. I have both a boy and a girl and I feel they should both grow up and be treated equally. This law makes it seem like girls do not know better than boys what is right and what is wrong and that girls need to be protected more than boys. Girls are just as smart and usually quite a bit more mature than boys they do not need the government telling them who they can have for a boyfriend. Not only that boys shouldn't have to bare the responsibility for both him and his girlfriend.

id: 611305 - Text: And the adults you guys are watching in pornography acting like everyone is consenting most are not consenting and were exploited when minor and now that's what they know. So it's called sexual human trafficking. You want to support, don't support that industry at all.

id: 611314 - Text: The cartels are now lightly bumping other peoples cars then when the single mother leaves the car they steal her baby. For sex or slavery or to sell there organs.
