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id: 611333 - Text:  @angelhellokitty4443  People like you are the reason that these laws can't even be talked about because you start throwing around careless and dangerous accusations. I am just saying girls have the brains to know what is right and what is wrong. If a18 year old boy and 16 yo girl robbed a bank they would both go to jail but if they had sex only the boy gets in trouble. The law needs to be reworked in my opinion.

id: 611335 - Text: ​ @billyjohn9192  You have the guts to say 'So tell me, why are they responsible when it comes to all other illegal activity but underage sex? They know it's illegal to steal, murder, but have no clue it's against the law to have sex underage? Why should they be allowed to get away with breaking the law in that situation?' But you call out the kid for 'bringing this down on herself'. What you say is exactly what you should keep in mind when you approach the judgement on your friend, but you only uphold it for the 15yo kid with a brain not developed enough to even understand sexual relations. Your friend knew it was wrong and illegal, even if he was not understanding of why exactly and was getting lured into a situation where it felt fine, HE KNEW AND HE DID IT ANYWAY. So yeah he got himself into this. He could have just said 'no thanks you are a kid, that's illegal' and take responsibility for the fact that he would be breaking the law if he acted otherwise. Bruh she was 15, it is rape because a 15yo CAN NOT consent. That's sick and you trying to justify it with 'she initiated everything' is disgusting. Kids are learning how social interactions work, getting attention in the right ways and respecting yourself as a person is a process, something we need to learn and we have not learned that at 15. The same age breaks stuff to get attention, will lie for attention, will change their whole style/personality depending on the group they want to be a part of. I'm 31 and if i look back at the gap between 15 and 18, it makes me sick to think a 18 yo would take advantage of a 15yo trying to get validation in the wrong means and i was really mature for my age because all the crap i went through, i had to grow up fast to survive but there is no way for someone to be adult at 15, it's a kid IMITATING adult behaviour, not actually understanding the deeper meaning and influences of those interactions. I hope you learned more about this and will adjust your view, thinking a literal kid can trick (?!) an adult into sexual behaviour. Like wtf are you even saying, imagine your daughter being picked up by an adult, tricked into thinking they are responsible for behaviours they don't understand and then for everybody to say 'ah well she did it to herself lol'. Just a big f'ing yikes man, it breaks my heart to see.

id: 611339 - Text: You'll make this longwinded argument against pimps but not against the homosexuals who groom kids they meet online every day

id: 611361 - Text: Not only child sexual exploitation, but also human trafficking, accosting for immoral purposes, first degree child abuse, and a multitude of drug charges involving minors. On top of that, there are typically more than one girl/boy with these traffickers, often tripling or quadrupling the offenses. The persons committing these atrocities to minors are among the absolute worst kinds of people in the world. Euthanizing these perpetrators is the best resolution.

id: 611371 - Text: Prosecuted? - Anyone that enables the action of participates in the action of sexual child abuse should be executed straight out.

id: 611405 - Text:  @billyjohn9192  That happened to my buddy. They were 16 and 17. Her father pressed charges on him so his mother pressed them on his daughter. Now they’re both registered sex offenders because her dad was a moron.

id: 611414 - Text: True and not true. If you have actually work in the business you would know no one cares unless it goes public on the news papers "but even then no one cares". True that at 13 year old a child could be sexual exploitered but desperate time calls for desperate measures. "I started fapping at like 11 6th grade lol". 5:35. And some of it is life changing you could be 60 or 70 and thing about the past when you were 19 working out late. Bills got to be paid. A pimp could also mean someone that offers protection so they could do shady stuff. I live in LA as well so keep in mind escorts are illegal, don't forget about that. The oppression is more from school. So much Bullshxt on what to teach the kids and even most of it is not right. They teach in school about things that don't even matter in life. This is coming from someone with a BS degree in Computer Science and does pen testing on the side.

id: 611422 - Text:  @gurpymcbonbon  No I'm not confused if an adult and sixteen year old get caught stealing they both go to jail. If they go out and kill someone they both go to jail. Yet the younger one is not going to get into trouble of they have sex. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. If it is wrong to do it they shouldn't be doing it. We all know most of these cases are boys who are a few years older than the girls and that in my experience is because girls like to date someone who is as mature as they are. The girls are not the ones with the problem it's the parents who get mad because they think the girls are being taken advantage of when that is hardly the case. I for one never had to deal with my daughter dating anyone that much older than she was but it would have been ok with me if she had. Within reason of course. I just think alot of people try to find problems where there aren't any. And if two kids decide to have sex I certainly don't think that's a problem. I think many of these cases are done people out of revenge after a breakup, or by irate parents who do not want to take any responsibility for letting their kids run around.

id: 611424 - Text:  @billyjohn9192  cool story bro. You are clearly confused. If an adult and sixteen year old get caught stealing they don’t necessarily both go to jail. It’s circumstantial. That depends on each of their ages, role in the crime, value of stolen, etc. It’s not nearly as simple as you seem to think. Many states have different laws for people under 16, so right off the bat your trying to talk about 16 year olds when the person we are actually discussing was 13 just shows how confused you are. If an adult commits a murder or theft with a 13 year old, it’s very likely the 13 year old will not go to jail. They have brains that aren’t fully formed yet and aren’t capable of making rational decisions that effect the rest of their lives. This is why we have a minimum age to allow people to vote. This is why we have juvenile detention centers. Ignorance is most definitely an excuse..because children are literally still learning how to function in society. In the vast majority of cases, if an adult and child commit a crime together the adult will be punished and the child will not. Once again, this is contingent on the exact ages of each individual, their roles in the crime, the severity of the crime, the specific laws of that state, and a multitude of other factors. This a nuanced situation so you should stick with the specific details.. changing the ages and crimes so that you can make hasty generalizations is inherently untenable. If you honestly would let your 13 year old daughter have sex with adults for money.. you probably aren’t a good father. If you or your friends want to have sex with 15 year olds.. just don’t. This isn’t very complicated and you shouldn’t be nearly as confused as you clearly are. It’s illegal and, as an adult, you should know better.

id: 611425 - Text:  @gurpymcbonbon  Wow twist things around much? You are very wrong, ignorance of the law is no excuse. If you go to the judge and tell him you didn't know it was wrong to steal, murder etc. It is still wrong and he will still penalize you. I'm just saying that it should be the same for underage sex. In every other circumstance they are responsible for their actions except for sex. When did I ever get close to saying I thought it was ok for my daughter to have sex for money? This is what pisses me off, people try to make everything as ugly as they can for no reason. I just hope you have a soon someday perhaps them you might look at things differently. This world seems to have some huge double standards especially when it comes to under age sex.I mean if they want to go that far that they charge the boy who is usually a couple of years older then they should also charge the parent for letting their kids run around and do whatever they want. You act like I'm the one confused but I'm not, I know what the law is, I just don't think it's fair. While you haven't done a very good job of convincing me why it is the way it is. Acting holier than thou doesn't do a thing for all the young men who get charged with this. Acting like kids don't have sex underage doesn't help either. I recently heard a story, l although I don't know if it's true that both underage kids for into trouble for having underage sex with each other. That's the first time I heard of that, but if it is true it goes to prove my point that they y should know better and not knowing is no excuse. I personally think it's not wrong for kids to have underage sex with each other because it's really none of my business. Like I said it seems like they are making problems where there are none.
