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id: 611426 - Text:  @billyjohn9192  why do you keep writing such long irrelevant responses. You are just using anecdotal evidence to form hasty generalizations. I haven’t twisted anything around. If you go find a 13 year old at a middle school and get them to come steal stuff with you… they will not get charged. Stop making things up. That’s the exact same with sex. If you go find a 13 year old to have sex with… you will get charged and they won’t. Rightfully so. Ignorance is most definitely an excuse no matter how much you deny it. A 13 year old is still learning… you (as the adult) is suppose to model appropriate behavior. It’s amazing you don’t understand this. You didn’t explicitly say that you think it’s ok for your daughter to have sex with money. You didn’t have to. That’s what you are implying by coming to a post about a 13 year old prostitute being victim of child sexual exploitation and only complaining about statutory rape laws. I get that you think you’re not confused, but you clearly don’t understand what’s happening here. You are obviously confused. But hey, continue making up bogus drivel about how kids that commit crimes will always be penalized by a judge… as if you aren’t over forming invalid arguments on false assertions. Please respond with the exact same long winded speech about how if an adult commits a crime with a child the child will always be penalized except for in statutory rape cases. Sorry to burst your bubble but that is not true. You are wrong. And keep talking about how nothing I say is convincing you. I am well aware. You are confused and unconvinced. I get it.

id: 611427 - Text:  @InTheMindOfDavid  - She is still a survivor/victim of child sex-trafficking for 5 years. And of sex-trafficking until she started working without a pimp.

id: 611428 - Text:  @AZ-gm2md  - It is not a matter of right or wrong when you are a kid. Adults rule the world and take advantage of children's powerlessness to care for themselves financially or emotionally. Evil adults see children as a cash cow to abuse and manipulate for sex and money.

id: 611430 - Text: Two kids underage having sex has nothing to do with what this interview is about. Did you EVEN watch it. Sure statutory rape charges often happen when PARENTS find their underage daughter had sex and pursue criminal charges. The girl would only do this if she was raped. Plenty of underage consensual sex is going on ... but this is not what this interview is about.

id: 611431 - Text: Exactly! It's like grown adults fail to see these are children involved in child sex trafficking. And it seems to happen a whole hell of a lot in the foster system...these children are exposed too very bad situations and something really needs to change.

id: 611450 - Text:  @meredith7553  don't be so quick to dismiss democrats involved in child trafficking rings. I firmly believe democrat politicians are involved with that mess. Remember the "BOYS TOWN" situation involving the senator, a black guy(can't remember his name)? He was trafficking children and teens from the Midwest to Washington DC,to after parties at the white house and other locations there. The after party was for the politicians who were "in the know" and who would engage in SA of these children. The children were put in the closet until the after party started. Usually, these encounters with children would be filmed to be used as blackmail against the politicians to do what they wanted. They still participated in these parties even after being filmed that time. They are sick pedophiles in our government who does participate on child sex trafficking rings. They make alot of money from it. A other situation involving politicians was the FBI/CIA (cant remember which one) found child pornography on multiple computers belonging to government officials in the pentagon. They covered that up!! You just have to research deep to find this information.

id: 611489 - Text: Four words: Capital Child Sexual Abuse. Sounds like a pretty obvious solution right? Pimp, john? Kill 'em. 15 year old victims recruiting younger children at school by force or threat of their abusers? Even right there, shit gets morally ambiguous. Morally ambiguous anything will never be seriously addressed by a political system that hinges primarily on a financially exclusive oligarchic diarchy that hides its deliberately non-productive polarization by rallying behind moral issues. I can't fix that with a comment. I can't fix that with a vote. I don't think there's a single person in these near 16 million viewers of this video that don't understand that, but for some reason we remain content urging each other to figure this out again. Hey, Google, you guys have more money and influence than I ever will. More than anyone I've ever known will combined times 1000. And you're only getting richer. Shit's kind of tough for us regular folk, and I hate to bother ya, but can y'all help stop kids from being forced into being [r-worded] for money? Can one of your CEO’s maybe talk to the President or something? Congress? I know y’all have lobbyists, bud, put them to work. Let me conclude this comment by clarifying that the fact that using Google Chrome to use Google's Youtube to comment on someone else’s comment that we both needed Google accounts to say is some fucked up Orwelian bullshit that makes Hoxhan Albania look like regular, non-bunker ridden, Albania. It's a long ranting comment from a stranger, but tell me I'm not making a good point and I will travel to you to defend this to your face.

id: 611662 - Text: She’s really pretty. Hope she find someone that appreciate her, Whatever her sex preference are.

id: 611771 - Text: $40-$60 each, just for another man to come over and steal it right out of her hands. And she has to meet that “quota” so no one will beat the shit out of her. This poor girl is only 22, and she’s only one of millions of girls and women who are groomed, kidnapped and forced into sex slavery. Call it what it is. Like they branded her, wtf. These sociopathic slave “owners” need to rot in hell. She had to learn how to WALK and WRITE again! They say they are there for protection but they never protected this baby girl once!

id: 611776 - Text: Just wondering, what was to stop her from getting away from her pimps and stripping to make money? Making no money to have sex with a bunch of guys doesn't make sense to me. Asking with respect, just wanted to know.
