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id: 611785 - Text: The police should come hard on pimps and gang members. Her life were taken from her. Modern abusive slavery. The idea is not to try to save her, rather prevent what happened to her, from ever happening again to other poor girls. Woman's rights are human rights. This is a disgraceful systematic failure of law enforcement/ legislation. Her pimp should be charged and jailed. Sex workers should be given the status of protected police informants.

id: 611823 - Text:  @GhostSal  You have a good point. Johns get locked up too, I guess they don't talk about it because it embarrasses them. They were talking about Trumps hush money with Stormy Danials. So I guess when we have people like that to follow I guess you don't face shame like you are talking about. I mean if we were a cleaner society or a less sick society then this stuff would stand out like a sore thumb but it just goes under the radar like it's status quo, just another day. Not talking about this clip or anything, Just curious. I was wondering if you are against all forms of prostitution. The thing that came to mind is when there is a man who is physically impaired in extreme ways and they hire someone to have sex with them. I was just curious your take on that.

id: 611855 - Text: Most of us are in fact, products of our environments, good or bad. I feel for her cause she’s obviously a beautiful girl who certainly could have made so much more of her life but it sounds like she just did the best with the crappy hand she was dealt. Having said that, I wonder why not that she doesn’t have a pimp controlling her, that she wouldn’t have embarked on a much safer form of sex work like becoming a cam model or some other online type of entertainment where she puts herself at zero risk of being harmed or even killed and could easily earn the same or likely much more money doing so. I’m not condoning either lifestyle, but at least she’d be off the streets and safe. Obviously the preferred path for her would be to get out of the biz altogether but as she said, it’s not easy when this is all she knows. Sad.

id: 611863 - Text: Insane to me that the woke generation calls sex work empowering. They need to see this. There is nothing empowering about a young girl having to have sex with losers who have to pay for it just to give the money back to a MAN.

id: 611885 - Text:  @massivehugeballs9707  great work letting everyone know you failed sex ed

id: 611892 - Text: Follow jesus Christ no one said every man does, it’s important to raise awareness because it’s a lot more than meets the eye, often times it goes unnoticed and people get away with such horrific acts like this. It’s definitely more common than it seems, obviously they’re not all bad but it’s not uncommon. There are literally so many types of harassment and sexual abuse, small scale and large scale...

id: 611900 - Text:  @TakeHit0  really??? for so many reasons! 12 year olds are not interested in sex, first of all. So, that young age was made legal for the creeps to get away with what they will do -_- Our brains aren't even fully matured until 27 years old. Anyone having sex with a 12 year old who is not also a 12 year old is sick. And two 12 year olds having sex should be asked where they learned it from cus I am willing to bet one of the two was sexually abused.

id: 611978 - Text: I wonder if it would be possible to turn a girl like that into someone else. First, he takes her to live with the children and his grandmother in a palace in the middle of a manor where she would no longer have financial problems. Then start intensive treatment with therapists and slowly resume classes. Parallel to this is a program to quit drugs and learn horseback riding, dance, theater and music. So the removal of the tattoos. Conduct moral construction when she reaches university age and does philosophy and sociology. No sexual involvement at any time, just sculpt the girl into a brute mass that turns into a perfect statue.

id: 612002 - Text: My biological parents got rid of me the day I was born... 6 months of foster care and my parents adopted me. My father almost passed on me due to my age... Life with my adopted parents rougher than it was smooth, but dammit man. I feel kinship with all these people who are thrown away. She is a knockout, it is so fucking sad. I belive in sex work. I belive they deserve the same rights that the girls have in Western Europe. To ply their trade with dignity and safety. I hope the interviewer hooks her up with these "benevolent pimps" She can be saved-totally. But it has to come soon or it's over for her.

id: 612003 - Text: At 13 yrs old this young girl was being sex trafficked child cannot give consent. Disheartening hearing her story.. I wish her life one day gets better and she doesn't have to sell her body. Beautiful strong young lady.
