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id: 612036 - Text: Hey, this is a sex worker who is very pretty, that’s why she isn’t coming off as super down on her situation. Some girls out there are struggling to merely sell their bodies. My mom asked me one day what a slut meant. The best I could explain was like a prostitute that makes no money. She was like “that’s super sad” lol as if she was imagining someone trying to make a living as a sex worker yet failing. Despite not being either a slut or a failing prostitute, I’m sure the struggle is real and my heart goes out to exotic. I hope we all help figure a way for her and the ocean of others to ascend from this situation.

id: 612037 - Text: Something that upsets me is that people who are escorts talk down on prostitutes when if you boil it down the only difference is circumstance. Example; his recent video with Susie. Does higher end sex work and feels it makes her different then other sex workers that aren’t so lucky. Even though just like this young lady had to go through foster care and probably controlled their fates in similar ways.

id: 612089 - Text: I once dated a prostitute without knowing it, I forgave and said we can fix things. I tried getting us normal jobs, but he did not want to. My deal was that I would stay if he left the game. He did not want to. I left the country because of that and it was such a difficult thing to do. I left everything I owned there without a thought. I had to leave the apartment at times when "customers" came round. One actually said sorry so I cursed him. It is not a life to live. It is horrible and so much heart ache. It is so derogatory to people and to one self. It is suicide without killing yourself. Being dead inside but not being dead. I kept getting calls for a bit but I refused to go back to that. Not because I did not love him, but because I loved my life and happiness more than that shit life. I had to go on trips through London to go help put up "adds" for his "services" and on many occasions the police would take him away and I was alone until they released him. Good God what the fuck do people like that think!? It broke me the fuck down. I really wanted to make something of it. Make it work and fix it. You can not rehabilitate a sex worker ever if they do not want it. And they do not want it 99% of the time.

id: 612172 - Text: I always wonder why women can't do this work without vile male pimps. Why are still men controlling these women who are all strong and fierce in only certain ways? There's rarely a women's network of older madams helping them and making the game fairer and profitable all round. The brutal truth in the answers to these questions are the dark, deep potholes in the road of all academic feminist theory and bogus, deluded ideologies. The suburban middle class feminist activists reaaaaaally need to spend some quality time outside of their indulged, cushy little bubble world and start to see humanity-- and women-- for what they all are and quit their embarrassing, irritatingly idealistic thought experiments. The Human Being is a horrifyingly complex, brutal beast. Feminists really need to see their own sex more clearly and stop being so naive and one-dimensional.

id: 612190 - Text: I know people will take this comment the wrong way, but I'm gonna ask anyway. I'm confused on men being attracted to someone with tattoos all over their face, like, if you were going to pay for sex wouldn't that be something that would make you not want to ''hire'' her??

id: 612197 - Text: The pro sex work sentiment is beautiful here, but decriminalisation is better than legalisation. Watch Juno Mac’s ted talk which is totally fascinating and covers the different legal systems around the world for sex work, and why decriminalisation is the only path which is ethical.

id: 612198 - Text: The earlier the government , the better . Let stop deceiving ourselves, you can't say ban sugar cos it causes diabetes for some people. The smart thing to do is to control the supply and encourage people not to take a lot. The same should be done for prostitution. In the logical context, it makes no sense that sex become illegal when money is offered in the same country that produces the highest pornographic material in the world ( where money offered for sex is legal because there is a camera but become illegal because there is not a camera) like does it make sense ? Frankly I an against prostitution as a person . But the main opposition against prostitution based their argument on its immoral background from religions which should no longer be a point of debate in a society when more controversial issues that are seen as immoral by secular religions are now legal e.g homosexuality , fornication , smoking, tattoos etc. So keep your personal preferences to yourselves and allow Two consenting adults do what they please to do with their own bodies just like the above examples and let us stop Decieving ourselves!!!!!. Fight Human trafficking not Prostitution.

id: 612238 - Text:  @blacksilverchair3315  Why do you believe that a 13 year old forced to become a sex worker who would get beat up if she didn't meet quota/if her pimp felt like beating her isn't a victim?

id: 612244 - Text: She is beautiful, she looks like Ruby from sex education

id: 612248 - Text: It is so unbelievable how men are shit. Not all men. Buying sex with no feeling. Pimps who are just vicious. Men who have mothers and sisters and treat women this way… the violence and hurt. I have never been street smart or exposed to the street. I would not have lasted with her grace and determination and strength. God Bless her!
