58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 501 - Text: I never went to a strip joint. The only live show where it was the chick dancing full nudity was at 21 with some Colombians. The reality is most didn't ask for sex just milf and cookies.

id: 512 - Text: She’s quite pretty but I’m not buying the ‘loving the sex worker life’ thing

id: 534 - Text: Reeoowww what a sex panther

id: 555 - Text: Give me a fucking break!! Go to church munch? She's obviously not stupid, and she's finding the way to earn the most amount of money in the least amount of time possible. Just because you believe having sex is a sin, doesn't mean it is, in fact it is not.She's actually doing whatever body on the planet does behind the closed doors, that is the only difference. Also, she can make a lot of money really quick and not hurt anyone. That's smart.

id: 575 - Text: If we had to have a sex industry than this type of person is who I’d hope would be there. She’s (seems) confident, happy, and doing this on her own. So be it. If society can do without a sex industry that would be the best of all worlds because there are too many children, women and men, who aren’t willing participants which makes the whole thing ugly.

id: 631 - Text: To keep on pushing “trauma” on anyone doing sex work, as if you know their lives better than they do, is quite frankly arrogant and pathetic.

id: 685 - Text: Mark's not nervous to challenge her at all. Watch more of his videos and you'll see he is quite happy to accept and encourage people in the sex trade.

id: 738 - Text: Fuck the oh so politically correct comments. She is beautiful, sexy and I adore her. Period.

id: 756 - Text: She is sexier with her clothes on. Just my opinion. Being photographed in her underwear was unnecessary.

id: 760 - Text: You’re such a beautiful soul. Don’t sell out to sex... the devil... you’re worth much more! 😘
