10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 1865 - Text: Porn seems like a bad next step. Even if she is a scort now or not, she is still in control of everything she does. She runs and takes care of her own business. It seems like porn can be like having a pimp, but you also get a cameraman, have a lighting crew, get a makeup artist, and other stuff. She might think she can have it under control, but she might be sub estimating how the industry treats women. Or even how men are treated. Hope she opts to be a cam girl, she can make lots of money, she is obviously beautiful and have a personality, hope she reconsider and make that her next step.

id: 1878 - Text: True. Mia Khalifa, arguably one of the bigger adult stars of recent years, admitted recently that she only made $12k during her (short) career. Porn is like music industry in that it has become more difficult to make a lot of money, which is why for porn escort work has become a thing to supplement. She seems like an intelligent woman, I hope she'll know to keep her options open.

id: 1881 - Text:  @dmitrijsmironovs7513  Mia didn't make alot of money from the movies themselves, feel free to look at the posts she herself made and the interviews she herself gave. From one article: "After porn, Khalifa says that though she kept up her social media profile as a source of income, she was looking for a more traditional job. She told Abbott she worked as a paralegal and bookkeeper, before parlaying her social media following into a career as a sports commentator." I'm just going off what she herself said.

id: 1896 - Text: Porn doesn't even pay much only fans is better

id: 1908 - Text: I feel women underestimate how doing porn can affect mental health in the long run... and introduce you to unsavory situations with drugs and other undesirable things.

id: 1913 - Text: I'm worried about that being her next step too, she seems so strong and in control but theres alot of people involved in shooting porn and at one point or another people are forced to do stuff they didnt agree to do, it can break someone so easy, I feel like alot of the people who stay safe in porn are people with really involved management or hired protection on set which also costs the actor, she might not even be making as much as she think she will in comparison to stripping, I just hope she stays doing well, shes been so lucky so far to have had such a great experience and I'm happy that that's been the case for her

id: 1914 - Text: Are you in the porn industry to know any of this personally?

id: 1915 - Text: Yeah she said grow her own food make her own clothes then she's like going into porn next I guess

id: 1916 - Text: Pornography & prostitution is a disgusting, repulsive, & anti-Christ way of living. Absolutely abhorrent. Only demonic people would consider such a lifestyle or any such lifestyle in the 'sex industry'. She needs to get disciplined & serious about the trajectory of her life.

id: 1918 - Text: Agustin Camejo No, no, no. Not a 'fanatic' at all, but a true, called, devout Christian. Your child-like, poorly thought-out, and emotional assessment here is akin to those who reject the notion of God or the credibility of the Bible as you attempt to use God’s Word (e.g., by quoting verses out of context) to excuse their/your actions when you are presented with the gospel and the plight of sinners like you & the young lady in question, for rejecting it. What you've failed to do, simpleton, is to follow Matthew 7:1 through to conclusion. If you took the time to read the bible at all (instead of relying upon your self-serving arrogance & self-aggrandizing worldview that permits & excuses the filth of prostitution & pornography) Matthew 7:5 tells us of the command to judge when it says, “Then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” The point Jesus emphasizes here is to judge yourself first before you make judgments about others. Sir/Maam, I'm well beyond that point! Christians like myself, who've been called to the Lord, serious, devout folks, are actually called to use our discernment to challenge non-believers to put Christ first in their lives & to begin looking at & working to remove those 'specks in their eyes'. That is what we are called to do, to proselytize & to win souls for Christ! We aren't playing with God over here! Some people like yourself take offense and say that as believers, we should focus on loving others and not be divisive. We are, however, divisive if we do not correct error & compromise God’s Word by allowing for the world’s “wisdom”, that you are a clear proponent of. Your world's 'wisdom' is not God's command. You are not God. God does not permit adultery/promiscuity, period.
