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id: 6043 - Text: When he was talking about how strong the desire was to have sex n shit he looked at his shirt for a second and i thought oh fuhh. But i tried crys couple times and i felt the same way im till this day terrified of that crap i think about it sometimes and i cant believe i tried it ahh

id: 6078 - Text: Patrick, you know that intense draw just as as I do. You’re a mirror image of myself and in some respects we were blessed—and cursed. Charming, articulate and honest, especially on crack..yet aloof with certain folks maybe unapproachable? Crack has a way of knocking down all doors during sex but if I could share with you one thing it would be that it’s merely an illusion perpetuated over and over every single time we indulge. If I could only show you, you, at this very age, in this very interview, 20 years from now (if u stopped today) you would indeed stop. That great sex? Well’ it really isn’t so’s an illusion, an illusion that costs everything. Including decades of sincerely unselfishly living. Hoping the best for you.

id: 6101 - Text: I hope he never tries meth. The way he describes the sexual aspect of smoking crack is ten fold on meth. Plus it lasts month longer so he'll never come back from it.

id: 6119 - Text: I shouldn’t do this because I’m not a psychologist and I hate projecting diagnosis on people without knowing them. In my experience he sounds like he is bipolar but doesn’t realize it. What signaled it to me is the extreme manic periods where he has to spend everything, the lack of control, the intense insatiable need for drugs, pornography and sex. I think the drugs are masking it.

id: 6132 - Text: One word for this video, "Raw"! Sex might actually be the addictive stronghold in his life. . . . .where addiction is most rooted. Crack intensifies that, good or bad, but with crack I'm sure it's easier to escape reality. Life is hard, no matter what or who u are. This world is not our final destination! ❤️❤️❤️

id: 6187 - Text: He was raised in church, or maybe was a preacher's kid. They are the wildest! Or he could have had sinning shoved down his through growing up. That's what I see about him. He knows doing drugs, and having sex with being married is wrong in Gods eyes. He also knows, Jesus took those strips, to heal us of our sickness. Addiction is a form of sickness. But it's so much fun, and wild, it's hard to give it up. You want to be rebellious, to be your own person. But you know your sinning. You become scared to death to sin. So you get straight again, live right by our belife. Then a trigger happens. Back to going to HELL!! So loving porn, and sex, fantasizing of of a women giving you head, means you going to hell. It's lust pure evil. Who wants to go to hell, when you truly have felt the love of Jesuse Chris the Lord. But when you feel how much fun sin is, you crave more. Then your head is fucked up, because you're riding the fence, or living in gray, and its either left or right to white or black in never sitting on the fence, or being gray. I would stand at my glass door, with my forehead pressed upon it, saying I wish I could go outside, I wish I could go outside. But I knew if I did I would sin. And I smoked weed. I was already sinning. I did not do anything else. But what if I said a cuss word, what if I lied to my parents about not somking week, at 27, 30, 35, 40, and all the years in between. Now at 40 I started METH. My parents get on to me everyday don't do any meth today. I spend 40.00 a week. I will not, don't want to spend anymore. But my friend did it,so I would do it. We would do our nails, adult color, word search, lottery tickets bingos. Then she went to prison, and I stopped, I don't like the shit. Old friend come around, she did allow weed around meth. So it was METH again. But it didn't faze me, until 5 months ago. I'm turning 47 yrs old Aug 22,21 the last 5 mths I started feeling different. But instead of energy, and not eating, I would fall asleep, and get hungry. So I started asking if my friend noticed, and asked her if anyone else notices something different going on. After about 2 mths my friend said man this shit is making me sleepy and I'm eating like crazy. That's when I started hearing about fentanyl. I'm scar d to death. I don't want to be sinning and die of fentanyl. And I know Patrick is thinking the same thing. It has been in graved in his head, and taught, how nasty it is to watch porn, sex addict, sleep with hookers, you will burn with diseases, doing drugs, and drink alcohol, with destroy your brain. It's terrifying to thank I'll die from fentanyl, and go to hell, because I was sinning. Thank you! Please send help!!!

id: 6209 - Text: What he's saying is true....crack makes men not be able to get an erection but they still try because that's what crack does! It makes them want sex but they can't perform.

id: 6228 - Text: Sounds like his sexual urges while using may resort to him raping, what if a woman was in the parking lot one time when he went out to check? It even scares him….

id: 6240 - Text: He has some issues around sexual behavior that need work because it sounds like his sex drive is linked to prostitutes and crack. This may come from self-esteem issues, feelings of worthlessness, unchecked impulsivity (bipolar mania), poor relationships with women.

id: 6262 - Text: This guy is for real intense. I mean, he's being honest. I honestly never thought of the sex and crack combo, that's definitely a situation. No offense, but it's obvious his family's money is what he uses to get high. I wish you could get into that, the people with money and good parents, who blow it all.
