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id: 6329 - Text: All the people’s stories all contain childhood physical or sexual trauma. Or some sort of neglect.

id: 6331 - Text: @2:19 I can so really relate when he talks about his time in New England and just being in and out of rehab over and over again... That was me man... From 27-31... I got a free flight out of the NE (NY, NJ, MD, PA, DE) where I was homeless and got strung out on heroin really bad down to Florida to get off dope and did the Delray shuffle for a bit and from there I ran away from my recovery and friends in recovery, my counselor, etc, and stayed homeless out there a bit and eventually found my way back into my home state, but it would be a couple years til I finally see anyone from my family again... God I'm glad to be past that stage of my life. Later he talks about the sexual depravity that comes with crack.. dude that was me too when I was doing meth for a while back before the heroin. Idk what it is about stimulants/amphetamine that cause like this acute yet MAJOR sex addiction, but man... Like when I talk about certain drugs being "dirty" or making me feel dirty... Like, just using the word/term "dirty" as an adjective to describe certain drugs (namely meth and crack) to someone on the outside... THAT is what I mean! The nasty depraved disgusting sexual fantasies, desires, and addiction that comes with it... Of course the drugs themselves are made of all sorts of nasty things, and in a sense that can also describe a type of high as being dirty (like cheap meth off the street compared to Adderall); a feeling mostly Impossible to describe into physical manifestation to someone who's never used the drug(s). The meth lead me to heroin and my constant heavy alcoholic drinking and hangovers lead to meth so I could work. During the time before meth I was doing molly every day for like an entire summer (until my plug got a gun put in his face by the molly plug), and not the XO stacks or pills, this was a hard/brittle, lightish brown crystalline substance and I LOVED it and had so much fun with it with girls and at parties, etc.. and yeah it would make me flirty, outgoing, super "ready to go", and the sx was amazing on it, better than coke by far, but it never gave me that "dirty" feeling I just described earlier with the sexual stuff that crack and meth gave me.

id: 6337 - Text: At the beginning of the video, I thought this is the first video where the interviewee had a stable childhood and no sexual abuse/molestation was involved, and then halfway through the video there it was. So heartbreaking. We need to protect our children. I wish him nothing but the best.

id: 6363 - Text:  @stonejackballer9519  And Let me guess , Gender isn’t the same as sex .

id: 6368 - Text: I thought the same. He was 4 years old, so sad and fucked up. I wondered whilst listening (I'm two thirds in now) if that's why his sex addiction is so intertwined with his high on crack state of being. Perhaps he's mostly mentally blocked from enjoying or wanting sex and paying for sex makes it feel safer and less vulnerable, and being high out of his mind increases that safe, non vulnerable feeling.

id: 6369 - Text: yeah he mentions older girls doing things to him as a 5 year old boy & doesn't want to call it "molested"... and I know why. A teenage girl in my family did things to me from 4-5 to 8 years old & I too can't bring myself to call it sexual abuse or call myself a victim. Because we're taught that men cannot be victims and women cannot be perpetrators of sexual abuse. So for those who have experienced it's a mindfuck of a trauma. I spent 2 decades thinking it was me who had done something wrong and that I was born a pervert, that I was inherently dirty. And because of that you never dare speaking out about it, also for fear of not being taken seriously.

id: 6503 - Text: He downplays the sexual abuse he suffered as a kid and acts like it was harmless child’s play. He was only 4! Those girls were much older than him! He is basically replaying that scene over and over (unfulfilling and “incomplete” sexual encounters)—the repetition compulsion of someone who’s been sexually traumatized. Please get help from a trauma therapist! It’s possible for you to turn your life around! Please take your past trauma seriously!

id: 6530 - Text: A relationship with Jesus will change EVERYTHING Patrick but a on and off again “compromised” relationship that is not whole hearted Will not work. It has to be a total commitment with all your heart mind and spirit....or freedom will never be your reality. The bible warns us that with God all thing are possible and without him nothing is. We must abide in him. The thing is the bible, What Christ did “works” but if you don't, it wont. God must become the dependency and he wants to give you SO MUCH more. He NEVER will force himself on you though...he will wait as long as it take for you to come back. The ball is in your court. You can do better than this Patrick. Women are so MUCH more than sex but you'll never know it from the ones this drug has you around. God bless you brother...will be waiting for your return. ❤️

id: 6556 - Text: The part of this that scares me is him saying like he goes outside and is looking for girls to have sex with him in his underwear. Like that sounds so predatory but the more I listen to him, the more I just feel like he HAD a huge heart and crack is just destroying the connection between his heart and his brain. That text about being incredibly human. That connection between his heart and brain is STILL there but god it terrifies me seeing that he's having trouble controlling that link and has access to women when he's out of his mind. I'm grateful that his CORE VALUE is honesty, and I'm just hoping and praying that the detonation of the brain that he's experiencing doesn't blur that line.. between crack and consent.

id: 6568 - Text:  @youtubeuser206  You can fire anyone for almost any reason. There is a very narrow set of reasons you can't fire someone and it's race, religion, sexual orientation, maybe another,, very few things.
