31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 8825 - Text: @Patrick Bateman - just gotta say, I know you're reading these chats... You've got a dozen women this week that find you attractive and love-able, AND they know you smoke rock and bang hookers. I've watched a lot of these videos, but you're the kind of guy that CAN come back from all this.

id: 8858 - Text: Well for somebody who makes videos about addiction so much to ask a question like what do you think people who aren't addicts don't understand just seems so completely elementary. It's not about understanding anything addicts on their 11th chromosome have a difference than other people they don't have as many dopamine receptors as other people they don't get the same percentage let's say of dopamine as other people for certain things so when they get that drug that gives them that extra which would be a normal amount for somebody else then they feel like they've arrived, oh my God, this is so wonderful, this is that feeling I've never quite reached, and there's absolutely nothing that somebody who doesn't have that missing component can possibly understand. it's simply a biological difference it's like a girl not ever really being able to understand what it's like to be a guy you can think you do you can know differences but you never ever ever will really feel what it feels like to be a guy.

id: 8966 - Text: This video explains one of Satan's plans to destroy us. Molested young > drugs > porn > addiction = death , another soul sent to the abyss. He has worth ! Without Addiction , I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me ! Philippians 4 : 13

id: 8973 - Text: His job is being really understanding about his addiction. By right he could get fired but the city usually gives you so many chances and offer you help before they let you go. My ex husband worked for the city and he did coke. They offered him help and gave him so many chances before they fired him. He was making $20 an hour and stopped paying bills and just ran the street. Its sad and after about a year in a half I left and divorced him. Idk I don't judge now but I used to. Watching these videos helped me understand it more. My ex was molested when he was younger by a older teenage guy. This dude said crack a thousand times. I hope he eventually gets the help he needs. He doesn't seem to care if he loses his job but without the income coming in then what will he do to get high 🤔~~ Who knows but he should be very scared to fathom. I pray that somehow he gets his life together.

id: 8996 - Text: I used to love your videos, but upon further reflection, I realized what you are doing is wrong. I wouldn't have a problem with what you were doing if these people were sober when they decided to tell you it was okay to post their video. This guy is being put on BLAST and probably decided to do your video on a whim because he is incapable of making a rational decision since he's high. He's grinding his jaws soo much, you can tell he's really out there. His coworkers, his friends, family, god knows who is watching him. I am embarrassed for this poor man. Yes, it's good for him to talk about stuff but some things shouldn't be on blast for the world to see- remember this man is HIGH. If all the people you've filmed had the option of being sober before you interviewed them and put their deepest, darkest secrets on YouTube for everyone to see, then it'd be fair. God knows what incentives you give them that sway them to agree to do your interview- money, food, shelter (basic necessities). In a way, you're pimping these people out. I know your channel is doing well and it's hard to turn down the success and stop doing videos when you've gotten so popular, but think about these people for a second. What if they realize what they've done after coming down from a high, after doing one of your interviews, and decide to kill themselves? Dude, people talk about some heavy shit on your videos and face traumas they haven't faced in years. Maybe some of them aren't ready to face that. That's why they're drug addicts in the first place? Do you see where I'm going with this? I was addicted to drugs at one point and I would've agreed to do almost anything for money or a place to stay. At least those things aren't there for everyone to see today, recorded, accessible with the touch of a finger. I cant say the same for these poor people. If what they need to do is talk about their issues, they should be allowed to do that. But there is a reason that therapists aren't allowed to share things and not allowed to record things. What is said in that room stays in that room. Even if the patient told the therapist to record them, the law is there to protect the patient from themselves! And I'm sure what I'm saying isn't the case for all of your interviewees. But I know peoples dignity runs low when they're using and on the street and they may tell you it's okay for you to post the video. But some of these same people probably haven't had 5 minutes of rational thinking in years because they're constantly high. What happens when they regain their dignity? It's too late then- your videos have millions of views. Think about it.

id: 9126 - Text: You can see the normal person in him on the follow-up video.

id: 9138 - Text: 7 months sober in this video lol

id: 9203 - Text:  @societalmenace7646  Yeah, Adderall for me, I'm guessing by "crave other bad things" you probably mean porn, which if so, it's the same with me. First I just used to binge out on video games when geekin and then eventually my brain figured out I could get even more dopamine from porn. How long have you been taking Vyvanse for? If it's been a long time it might be a little harder to quit. I can go get my Adderall script since 2 days ago, and I'm tempted to get it. But I'm not going to because I've been abusing it all year and taking my whole 600mg worth in 2-4 days, and then barely being able to get out a bed for a couple weeks after. I'm finally ready to be done for good, I gotta go find a program to join or else I know I'll end up drinking and doing drugs, etc again.

id: 9262 - Text:  @juliequigley637  Everyone was originally born as a "normal person" (well at least non-mentally ill people). I get what you're saying but I don't think this guy has reached full rock bottom yet. If he continues he eventually will become one of those "not normal" ones. I commented this before seeing the most recent video lol nevermind

id: 9277 - Text: It seems as if he is jonesing in this video. His mannerisms are really off he can not sit still.
