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id: 6604 - Text: It sounds to me like the preteen girls that preyed on him had an impact on his life. I understand that it may not have created sad feelings for him but it most likely created an above normal sex drive. I know it is the crack that dredged up the need for sex, but I think that topic is worth exploring in therapy. I have a son. He is 7 years old and the thought of someone taking advantage of him scares me far more after this interview. People dont realize that even minor incidents cause a catalyst that will steer your life. I am 35 and am starting to see what my childhood with addicted parents has done to me and the way my life has gone.

id: 6615 - Text: Sex and stims is its own drug entirely. I'd almost recommend it its that good. Just to experience it once before you die. But you'll ruin your brain for life. Nothing will ever come close and you'll never not want it. You need constant willpower to fight it, good luck. And you can't turn off the guilt. What people don't understand about drugs is that its actually that good.

id: 6633 - Text: Patrick, I've watched so many videos on Soft White's channel. I've always been able to relate to each and every addict's addiction but I've never related to them as a person. You're the first one I've watched and saw myself looking back. I'm a junkie but I didn't have some horrible childhood to blame it on. I had a wonderful childhood with amazing parents. I lost my virginity to rape, but like your encounter as a small child, I don't blame that on why I started using. I started because someone around me was doing it and they said it felt good and I wanted to feel good too. Your sexual preferences while high are not weird or unusual at all. There's no shame in wanting sex or oral and I don't think there should be a lot of shame around getting a prostitute if you aren't getting it in your life. For you though, you obviously know you can't go to prostitutes but only because it leads you right back to a stem. I pray for you and your sobriety and I also pray that you and Mark keep in touch so that I can hear how well you're doing in a year. I also want to see pictures of that beautiful family you're going to create on day. Your wife is going to be so blessed to be smothered with all the love you have to give. Geez, who's slicing onions right now?!? The tears are flowing! I love you where you're at. ♡ jenna

id: 6652 - Text: Early on he downplays his molestation at 4 years old. He also says at 18 a friend mentioned prostitutes in a passing conversation, it intrigued him and he was drawn to go engage with prostitutes. I believe his molestation (bc that’s definitely what it was) at 4 years old is a major player in all of this. I think he was sexually activated in a specific way at that young age and went searching for what he experienced then that he was too ashamed to ask for from his teenage cheerleader girlfriend.

id: 6667 - Text: Maybe he’s a sex addict trying to cope with that through drugs?

id: 6670 - Text: It's so sad he thinks what happened to him when he was 4 wasn't molestation. It definitely was, it doesn't matter how young the girls were and it doesn't matter that they were girls either, sexually touching a child is molestation, period. From the specific fantasy he has with prostitutes I would even bet those girls were probably going down on him and that's why he has a fixation with it now. His mind is subconsciously trying to work through the trauma because he won't (or doesn't think he needs to) do it consciously. I definitely think it affected him, and still does, a lot more than he realizes.

id: 6685 - Text: Everything he saying is exactly the same thing my ex-husband 8 years ago was exactly the same way exactly every single thing and is really sad Ignoring the phone the pornography the way he wants the sex to be done everything is really sick is really sad he’s really uncontrollable that’s why we divorced !!!

id: 6688 - Text: 10:15 When I look at this photo I can see myself and how this person could've me had I made his same choices. I don't use drugs or alcohol however I can relate to his sexual addictions.

id: 6759 - Text: La gente piensa que lo más importante en la vida es la familia, establecer vínculos fructíferos para encontrar un alma gemela, todas estas son cosas muy básicas como comer y dormir, un imperativo biológico. todos requieren esfuerzo, varias cantidades. En el nivel más básico, es lo mismo que todos los demás animales y formas de vida, considerando que los humanos son animales sociales, no es nada especial, la gente habla de ser un hombre "real" en el sentido de un hombre. que tiene la capacidad de formar una familia y mantener a sus hijos. y un hombre que antepone a su familia a sí mismo. No es nada especial y apesta, como ser un "gángster", ambos ejemplos de conceptos que la sociedad ha hecho para convertirse en algo que no es, un gángster es percibido como un cuento de hadas como una persona que está dispuesta a cometer un crimen No remordimientos. o remordimiento sin ninguna preocupación por el desenlace, no es especial, siempre ha sido una mentalidad peligrosa, es una represalia perpetua, incluso fue y es una mentalidad que llevó a quienes se identificaron con ella a muertes violentas o, en última instancia, a segregación . de la sociedad. . . No muchas personas que existen legítimamente en la vida de un gángster, con esa mentalidad de gángster, terminan en cualquier lugar excepto asesinadas por la mano de otra persona o segregadas de la sociedad. Esas son dos de las muchas cosas sobre las que la gente parece tener percepciones erróneas y no hace falta decir que la percepción de la realidad y el tiempo de las personas rara vez se deriva de otro lugar que no sea su propia vida. También creo que no hace falta decir que tener sexo es lo más mundano que puedes lograr en la vida, se siente bien así que lo haces, obviamente nuevamente, es un imperativo biológico que tengas sexo y desarrolles sentimientos por otro ser humano, la gente. . . . . . . son animales, nada. más nada menos, la sociedad se basa en un lugar de fantasía, toda una historia de tonterías abituairy, así que las drogas, la fiesta, el sacrificio, el envejecer, el granizo satanás. Realmente no importa cuando eres un pequeño producto de la casualidad y tu entorno. A la mierda la visión defectuosa que tiene la sociedad de sí misma. elige ver el mundo de una manera que tenga sentido.

id: 6801 - Text: Sounds like he has a bit of a sex addiction that may of been caused by those two 10 year old girls. Then the Crack came along with the women. Sounds like he loves to keep the two together. I hope he manages to stay sober.
