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id: 6858 - Text: the way he described sex and crack reminds me of adderall

id: 6871 - Text:  @stellaethel  Deserves the same what? Opportunity? He had a great opportunity - Harvard graduates often choose from multiple top jobs. He chose hookers and crack - BY HIS OWN ADMISSION. He smokes crack and picks up drug-addicted women for sex. He serves to be busted and jailed where he would (hopefully) lose access to (female) hookers and all illicit drugs. Passing off drug addiction as a disease is an insult to everyone who has a life-threatening disease. Drug addiction is a behavioural problem, stop the behaviour and the problem goes away. I smoked cigarettes from age sixteen to age thirty-eight (when my daughter was born). I was addicted to nicotine. I stopped smoking (which was difficult, to say the least) and all the problems of smoking started to disappear. According to some studies, I have no more risk of long-term issues than does a lifetime non-smoker as I am smoke-free for twenty-three years. All Patrick needs to do to rejoin society is stop smoking crack and preying on drug-addicted women. As of today, he has no value to society.

id: 6872 - Text:  @JohnnyC10071959 , You are comparing smoking cigarettes to a crack/sex addiction---WOW! You ask what Patrick deserves? It's called respect. Your comment is coming from a place of judgment. Who are you to say a person has no value to society? What you see as having no value might be of value to someone else. "All Patrick needs to do to rejoin society is stop smoking crack and preying on drug-addicted women," Easier said than done, John. That is an insult to anyone that has a problem with addiction.

id: 6877 - Text: fix his sex addiction and he can break the crack addiction I think. Also, Aaron Rodgers really let himself go since missing the superbowl again

id: 6942 - Text: I thought I was the only one who experienced this. I'm 12 years clean now but I was addicted to crack just like this guy is. That first hit and sex was all I thought about but you can't perform on it.. Crack is a horrible drug. Pray for this guy people. His honesty is so incredibly difficult I'm sure. I could NEVER do this.

id: 6958 - Text: He even hates himself sexually.

id: 7011 - Text:  @SoilentGr33n  the 3 videos he did within a month or so were insane. In a month he went from a relapsed addict who’s a Harvard grad with a city position making 6 figures who has a car and apartment in la. To a addict with a sex addiction, who’s spent most of his time on skid row looking for crack and hookers, missed work probably lost his job, spent all his money, sold his car for crack, was beat up and robbed, his dad won’t pay for his condo or give him money...just within a month! It’s very hard for me to understand since I’ve never been addicted to anything. I think In general it’s hard to understand how one can go so far down from where they once were. He’s went to 10-15 rehabs and still can’t hold his own money and can’t stay sober longer than 6 months. He has all the support in the works from family to friends but still his addiction is winning. I’m sorry but there’s a point where it seems like he just doesn’t want to stay sober. At what point does his family and friends walk away? This has been going on for 20 years. It’s gotta be exhausting for the ppl who love him.

id: 7021 - Text:  @bobshenix  Agreed! He's somewhat forthright with his sexual desires and that's only because the interviewer is pushing him to be. Other than that; it's all about how "educated" and how "nice" and "honest" poor Patrick is.... Pufffff! Gimme a friggin break. 😆

id: 7044 - Text: interesting how this shit affects everyone differently. crack is totally non sexual to me. also non social, I don't even like company when I do that crap. it's just alot of paranoia, psychoses and auditory hallucinations. I always feel like on the other side of that door/wall are ppl with really bad intention. I hear their footsteps, sometime I even hear full on conversations. I know it's probably just my mind playing tricks on me but I can never be sure. like a rabbit in the headlights, I freeze. it's agony, absolute torture. I know I'll be felling dreadful. I only really enjoy the first two seconds of the first hit. all the others after that are chasing and trying to match those two seconds, knowing full well it's not going to happen. kids - pls don't do crack. there are good drugs out there. crack is the devil's work, and coke is the same exact thing. especially if u inject it

id: 7134 - Text: Drug & sex addiction hope he can pick himself back up.
