58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 7155 - Text: I think you might want to address perhaps you have a sex addiction. FYI were you a black man, the 2nd time you went to the bathroom to get high (if not the 1st time), you would have been fired. I know you have an addiction but I hear a lot of self pity in your voice. Everytime you get clean and you take drugs, you are making a conscious 'choice' to become an addict. We all have issues as imperfect humans, however, every person has to draw the line. Your life isn't or hasn't been as hard as some yet you choose to throw it away. Some of us don't want to live but (since you believe in the bible) our lives are not ours to take and our bodies are our if nothing else take care of your temple. Read your bible if that that's what you believe in. Self control seems to be a loss cause these day but we all have to exercise self control. Drugs take away your self control.

id: 7177 - Text: Uppers and sex go hand in hand. An addiction to meth, crqck or coke will make any sex addiction worse. Might sound awesome to fuck non stop for days on end but honestly after a while it gets really extreme and overall just gross and painful.

id: 7203 - Text: I like Patrick's honesty... But I was really concerned when said once he is high he really believes that the first woman he sees will want to fulfil his sexual fantasy. That sounds like rape just waiting to unfold :-(

id: 7212 - Text: I really feel bad for people who have addictions like this. I'm an opiate addict who has had success with methadone, but if you're a crack/sex addict there is no replacement therapy

id: 7216 - Text: This is so honest. This is what Men want ... sex and drugs and rock and roll. Is very good indeed.

id: 7224 - Text: A vulnerable crack daddy. Prime meat... <3 poor guy definitely praying for him .. def was right about the sex addiction being the spark to this drug disaster. Just like my best friend who’s in this channel..

id: 7231 - Text: I feel bad bc it’s apparent he has a definite sex addiction that if not treated will keep him from sobriety

id: 7240 - Text: Sexual abuse absolutely destroys people. He seems so sweet and good. Poor kid. Poor guy.

id: 7244 - Text: This man has more potential than he realizes yet self sabotage is real!! He is not making a connection with his addiction and relapse because he seems to be in the “white knuckle” of sobriety for weeks and months, like he never reaches that point where he can just breath. So he finally gives in! I pray he finds the solution to his addiction. He is severely insecure, he has people that truly love him and a job that is understanding, but people are only understanding to a point. Eventually you burn the bridge. If I was his boss, 3 strikes your out. At some point you can’t excuse poor work ethic and once you allow one employee special treatment, they all want special treatment. Dude. Your not ugly, you’re not hideous you’re not irredeemable, but only YOU can create the life you truly want. You either want the wife/kids/picket fence or you want the crack/porn//prostitutes/sexually frustrated life. Stop trying to be generous to people that want nothing from you but money and drugs. Seems like you’re shelling out tons of money on people that wouldn’t give you the time of day if you weren’t giving them money and drugs. You have to decide to Never take that next hit. Just never do it! I’m 6 years sober now. You just have to be courageous enough to say no. Not getting any younger. Your gonna be sitting alone at 80 years old wishing you had a wife,family, kids, grandkids. You CAN do this!!!!!

id: 7267 - Text: 10-12 year old girls touching a 4 year old?? That's molested. Probably the root of your sex addiction.
