31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1305304 - Text: Man,I would fall in love with her in a second....I could say so much she's beautiful....I'm a 48 year old retired hobby farmer....been single for 8 years because there is no good enough reasons to have someone special....I hope she gets rescued by God and also finds love.....I can't watch the whole video....too crushing....she'd make a great hobby farmer.....she needs some animals as friends....what are we gonna do to help theese people....??? Love always Steve...

id: 1305316 - Text: Serious can you tell which videos on YT are monetized and which aren’t?

id: 1305318 - Text: Yt going to shit now im getting ads in the middle of a music video

id: 1305529 - Text: Why is there also an ASMR effect to these videos there's literally everything you could possibly want in these videos, entertainment and relaxation

id: 1305536 - Text:  @skilletburritos8464  yeah? I know this. I was talking about what she said in the video

id: 1305570 - Text: Watch these videos.. Almost daily. And I can't put my finger on what or why but I really feel for this woman

id: 1305623 - Text: Geez painless? It is easy to say, "You need to get out of this life". Take the profits from this video and pay her rent for a month and get her to rehab.

id: 1305657 - Text:  @no0bbbb  Mark generally makes no money when you compare what he paid the interviewee to what he got from YouTube because his videos are demonetized due to mature content deemed unsuitable for advertisers. Once an interviewee speaks about child abuse, drugs, sex or gang violence a video generally gets demonetized. He’s said he’s gotten lucky a few times lately and YouTube’s let a few pass but this is why he continues to “bleed money” with this channel. That he has this problem is “sad” and you’re free to make stuff up but that’s sad as well.

id: 1305663 - Text: You must be new, because FYI there are no profits from this video. Mark has yet to make money on any video when you compare what he paid the interviewee to what he received from YouTube because of the fact his videos are largely demonetized due to mature content deemed unsuitable for advertisers. Mark continues to “bleed money” in the production of this channel. Yet he continues to help out with things like tents, phones, hotel stays, food, clothes, etc., for his interviewees. Mark’s doing his share and more!

id: 1305684 - Text: This is why I don’t comment dumb stuff under pimps videos there is nothing to laugh at or joke about. These people are ruining other people’s lives leaches
