31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1308222 - Text:  @Neenaross214  I make my son watch many of these videos, same reason.

id: 1308296 - Text: I purposely make my part of these interviews dry and to the point. If I showed everyone what I’m actually feeling as I’m listening to these stories viewers would think, “Okay, Mark’s got it covered and I don’t have to do anything”, when the truth is this problem is a million times too big for one guy with a camera to fix. By keeping these interviews dry and emotionless I hope to make viewers as frustrated and angry as I am about how we’ve allowed our country to let this happen to so many. If my videos were of me sympathizing and holding Amanda’s hand as we walk into rehab together none of you would lift your ass off the sofa. But if I allow you to get a little pissed off over and over again every day hopefully you’ll start to think about a solution to these problems we have. In my opinion our best approach is not to try to fix Amanda or Kevin or Gabby, but to prevent these things from happening to our next generation of Amandas, Kevins and Gabbys. We can blame the messenger, in this case a photographer who made you aware of the problem, or we can start to correct the many broken systems and inequalities that create all these predicaments.

id: 1308301 - Text:  @SoftWhiteUnderbelly  you opened my eyes...seems with all the women in your videos, everyone of them has been molested. After the molestation the drugs come into play to numb themselves.. We need to start with more harsh laws on molestation. Not just a slap on the hands.

id: 1308306 - Text: Soft White Underbelly well said. You do your interviews perfect. I’m glad you don’t take it personal what people say.. love your videos! I’ve been subbed now for a few months and glad I found you! I’m a recovering Herion addict. Been 5 years clean and very proud to say that.

id: 1308314 - Text:  @SoftWhiteUnderbelly  Yes, perception is everything. I perceived your tone of voice in this particular video, to be insincere. However, I understand that this is not what you intended and I don't see you in person, so I acknowledge that I may be wrong. I continue to watch your videos and appreciate what you are doing.

id: 1308325 - Text:  @SoftWhiteUnderbelly  Have you considered interviewing Jennifer Freyd? She is the psychologist that fleshed out theories around betrayal trauma, DARVO and instituional betrayal. She was sexually abused herself by her father. The father kept denying it and doubled down by founding the FMSF (False Memory Syndrome Foundation). He's not a psychologist. The FMSF has been helping perpetrators of CSA get away with it since the '90s all based on a non-existing psychological syndrome (this has become clear now). They denied the existence of DID. I'm sure you came in to contact with people who exhibited some this behavior (dissociation, memory loss, etc...). DID is real, unlike FMS. Some of the psychologists working for the FMSF were pro-pedophilia. Often CSA cannot be proven beyond reasonable doubt + perpetrators can count on the machinery helping them, instead of victims; which makes it hard for victims to come out. You're doing good work. Another interesting person would be Ross Cheit. Also was abused himself. He had the clarity of mind to interview his abuser on tape and have justice. He has written a book about the fact that there was CSA occurring in the 80s Satanic Ritual Abuse cases; where children as young as 4-5 were molested. It was all dropped, because of 'mass hysteria'. Cheit shows that these cases had objective grounds for continuing with prosecution... it wasn't all hysteria: some of those kids were really raped. CSA is rampant. But it is being denied. Kids who have to deal with it, don't know what is going on, but might experience the bad effects of it later in life. Aside from the physical abuse, they undergo mental abuse, having to deny their gut instinct... doing what they do not want to do, because their providers are also their predators. It warps the mind. Anyway good luck with your videos. May they awaken people to this horrible problem.

id: 1308351 - Text: Engine9 Jerry’s campaign went well. I can’t do much for him until this flu situation passes though. Jerry was robbed a week ago and lost his rent check, so I used our gofundme money to pay the next three months of his rent. I’ll shoot another video nice Jerry is all set up. Thanks

id: 1308373 - Text:  @alanwilson2073  I'm surprised my comment is still up. He's been heavily censoring the ones on the video with the newest "trick" he interviewed. That's the man that starts off saying he likes to pound the women then eventually says the girls get high and lie about being abused. He's also HIV positive but according to him he's undetectable. That's a possibility but I'm not buying it from that particular guy. A large number of the comments on that video have been removed. Last I checked only positive ones or sympathetic ones were allowed to remain but that man reeks of an abuser and is likely physically abusing the women he picks up. Mark Laita is gross. He's definitely cultivating a very naive and gullible audience. You can't convince me he's doing this out of goodwill and not exploiting vulnerable people. His treatment of the women sex workers and the transgendered people is very troubling. It's all very sketchy.

id: 1308425 - Text: Thank you for the video. Such heartbreaking experiences. I hope she is able to get sober.

id: 1308477 - Text: Barbara Von Traumer the creator of those videos wrongly called her an escort. That s the problem
