10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 2763 - Text: Porn? Okay big plans.

id: 2764 - Text: I used to strip to pay college its not the way id advise anyone its a harsh eye opener. My ex suggested it and my dumb self did ... Once I met the father of my kids it put a lot into prospective and I stopped . love saved me. Pure unconditional love . I dont see anything wrong with it but one must have a strong mind to not result to porn. Not something I ever thought of but thats not the way. Strippers are very smart very beautiful inside and out but the harsh realities shape many to blind there self worth as you already shame yourself.. But some of us have had no choice. But the choice to put that towards a better future is always 10000000000% there. never forget that. All that money is a sacrifice what will you do with that choice is up to the lady.

id: 2765 - Text: Please don't do porn there are so many opportunities open to you. Stay dancing porn is such a short and demonic career stay safe

id: 2770 - Text: DONT DO PORN!!!

id: 2787 - Text:  @Peterrdee  porn is

id: 2788 - Text: Dude... read between the lines- she's already done it. AND she likes it. "What would U like to do in the future, Rebekkah beside own some land, knit and crochet?" " PORN." She.said it so Freakin' fast her tongue got whip-lash!!!

id: 2790 - Text:  @Peterrdee  think like a human and not a moron..... U think we are cyborgs or programmed dolls with just mechanical bodies... Which can be subjected to every type of drilling..... Nope.... It's not just the body... It's the emotions... Psychology and energy stuff associated.... When u subject yourself to such overwhelming physical and emotional and energetic experiences 24/7 ... U think everything would be just fine.... U would be a wreck after few days... Look up some of the stories of pornstar... What they go through.... Sex is not free... It is act to be done very conciously and promiscuity and treating yourself like that will make it hell for u

id: 2791 - Text: Don't knock porn, especially if you watch it. 🙄

id: 2792 - Text: peter dee demonic because porn is sex trafficking and most porn stars state that porn takes a lot out of you emotionally.

id: 2793 - Text: Jessie Downey porn is awful
