58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 8423 - Text: The molestation definitely had a impact on his addiction. He is looking for someone who is wanting to preform oral on him without him demanding it. The girls who molested him wanted to perform those acts on him. It sounds like he’s trying to chase that first sexual encounter

id: 8443 - Text: Unfortunately the interviewer doesn’t fully understand late stage addiction- This guy knows it can kill him , subconsciously he’s hoping it does to stop the pain. There’s no scaring someone out of addiction. If this man sees these comments I hope he’s willing to seek help from a psychiatrist who works with addiction. I know for me bouts of mania set me off on a run , there’s plenty of new meds that help . Manic episodes will have a person chasing sex , $ (gamble) and finally the drug of choice

id: 8521 - Text: Those girls who molested him definitely affected his relationship with sex and intimacy and is definitely playing a major roll in his addiction. I feel like there isn't enough being said about girl's and women's predatory behavior and sexual misconduct towards boy's and men. And the more Iv listened and talked to people the more Iv relished how common it is. And it seriously fucks with people's head's.

id: 8542 - Text:  @user-zz7wh5ls7j  what a dumbass comment. Use your brain... Molesting isn't necessarily the act of sex itself but everything related to entering one's privacy thus making them feel bad. It could be just stroking in areas he/she doesn't like for example. That's where it starts....

id: 8549 - Text:  @user-zz7wh5ls7j  Age or power difference, manipulation. For example, 30 year old female teacher and under 18 boy (depending on state). Or, girl is huge steroidal girl power weightlifter and guy is a 90 pound sexy weakling. A big problem with female on male abuse is it's almost impossible to not joke about it - but it's not a joke. This dude was diddled as a 4 year old. Pretty sick.

id: 8560 - Text:  @rdizzy1  So true...addiction means child sexual assault, from as little as a 1 to a horrible 10 Food drugs Sex gambling cutting homelessness suicidal tendencies all child sexual assault related. No one talks in those terms!!!!!!!!!!!

id: 8565 - Text:  @user-zz7wh5ls7j  No not gay at all. I just simply did not want to have sex with this person. Be as dismissive of it as you want. It doesn't really bother me beyond being confused on how someone can have such little empathy for others. I just hope you or anyone you love never has to experience it, because it isn't pleasant and because of people with your attitude it makes you feel as though you can't speak up. I have nothing left to say about it, I see that you can't grasp the gravity of the experience and that's okay. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend.

id: 8612 - Text: It seems he's a sex addict, first and foremost, and a crack addict by association.

id: 8700 - Text: He better not jerk too much while he's smoking.... When I lived in Houston, I had a neighbor that was with her husband both were rehabilitating from alcohol... The husband was on crack too, and couldn't have sex with his wife because when he was on crack jerking off to porn, he broke his shit!!!!! If he gets an erection, his shit hurts ....

id: 8805 - Text: Everything he is talking about carries so much guilt, and drugs make that even worse... I have no idea how you made this interview possible but it is much appreciated. Patrick, if you're reading this just know that we have more sympathy for you than maybe you have for yourself. We know what the drugs do to people. We know that people who smoke crack are sketchy and we know that sex on drugs gets weird. Don't watch yourself in this video and feel bad, watch yourself in this video and use it to do better. I for one do not smoke crack and look for hookers... only because I know what it would do to me. I'm one of the lucky ones. Doesn't mean I don't understand it.
