31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 11286 - Text: This is such a sad story of survival. I do believe Chase has been brainwashed by exterior forces and if she realised her "Pimp" doesn't actually really care about her or want her to improve herself, he is no gentleman who makes his money on the back off women. Allowing her daughter to be brought up by the said Mother who treated her so badly is a vicious cycle right there! Chase has been doing this for 7 years and yet still hasn't made that transition of "I'm not doing this forever", what's the deadline for forever Chase? After watching a few videos on here with prostitutes with pimps, they always have to justify their pimps and talk themselves into the situation they are in.

id: 11361 - Text: Chase, I am glad I seen your video and I relate so much. I’m glad you were very transparent & open. I’m 25 and I’ve also been in that life for some years now and it truly is hard to get out when you can make what a job does in 2 weeks, in a night. I also have a 3 year old daughter, I know how it is to provide for a young girl and also having to miss out a little bit cuz we have to work. There’s been times where I looked at her and cried because idk if I will make it back to her. You’re beautiful, intelligent, and know what you want in life. I completely understand staying down & stacking to get where you wanna be. Work towards your goals daily and don’t lose yourself in this life. There are hoes I’ve seen for years that are still out on the blade lost. I hope in the near future you’ll be everywhere you want to be girly. Blessings !! ❤

id: 11365 - Text: Maybe the picture looked wonky but one the video plays you can tell she is all woman more than you perhaps. You don't look good enough to question her 😅😂😂😂

id: 11511 - Text: I love the videos but it would be helpful to have the prompts or questions in the progress bar of the video, so that we can go to the parts that interest us

id: 11522 - Text: The dad can show the courts this video so horrible hope she gets out of the game and get a fresh start somewhere in a state where nobody knows her and she cleans her life.just too young and pretty girl please get out of that.

id: 11574 - Text: The cover photo and the person in the video look like two different people. I swore that was a man in the cover photo.

id: 11581 - Text: I truly hope she uses the exposure of this video, to change her life around for that precious little girl and herself. It’s soul crushing to see how young, self-aware and mentally sharp she is, despite being in the life. She should be pursuing her goals and dreams because she already has every skill to succeed. Ugh I’ll be praying for her and her baby.

id: 11617 - Text: I'm at the beginning of the video. Just listening,not watching. How she go condemn the system and say you need to take care of your kids and she doesn't take care of hers??

id: 11688 - Text: 15 minutes in the video I hear “ I work my ahh off” lol no literally 😂😂

id: 11897 - Text: Hello SWU. Recently I found a YT video that is quite disturbing. What disturbed me more is that the possibility the people in the video were being exploited. I have written several times asking if he is helping people with the money he makes from YT . No answer. These vids could be considered sleazy voyeurism.
