31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1308985 - Text: I had been following you on IG for a while before this video.

id: 1309124 - Text: I wonder if the guy who had the gun on his lap made her give him head cause she said she was on her period.. seen this video an is like! Holy shit!! She's talking about me! 😳🤣😭😭

id: 1309135 - Text: Probably not anything to do with this video in particular; but if someone were to import coal somewhere, would they not then be responsible for then paying the associated toll

id: 1309150 - Text: This third man you will have to divorce in absentia. My sister had that. You have control over your life. Allowing someone into your heart or self that disrespects you is still making the same choices. You can counsel yourself through books. I was greatly helped by - Codependent no more by Melody Beatty ( It might be spelled Beattie) You were unloved by your parents. Its not that they didnt love you but they loved on their terms. Children have to be raised unconditionally. Im very sorry this happened to you. You are a beautiful individual. You have sooo much to offer. You are pretty but have so much to offer from the inside. God gave you everything you need. You are made in his image. You have to start seeing yourself like that. I counseled myself with books, video, podcast and recognising you must love yourself. You are a spiritual entity having a human experience. You are an adult now, so it is up to you to figure yourself out. But, as a child, these issues were caused by your family environment. Your parents. Your formative example - them. This is so sad. You are not guilty, "tore up her whole life" ? No, she did not provide the environment that was needed for children. The cop was speaking the truth. I left an alcoholic marriage at 39. You can do it. Im 63 now and over all the bs. But you're right it took a long time. ❤

id: 1309262 - Text: These videos make me so grateful for my life no matter what problems I have

id: 1309374 - Text: This video. Is going to have me parent my kid in a different manner... great interview

id: 1309413 - Text: Much much love to you Kat…. I just want to give you a hug! I hope this video helps others.

id: 1309490 - Text: she was a sex worker by intent . she " jumped on the I was trafficked wagon" when she was told by arresting officers she would not be prosecuted if she claimed to be trafficked. This is so common of prostitutes. She did this video as part of her recovery ordered by program. She is a sex worker and loves it, and will be right back at it in another town when she is done. She will move because none of these towns or cities link their offender data on the sex traffic programs to see how they are being manipulated by sex workers to get OFF charges of prostitution. It is laughable. Same thing happened with drug users. Claiming that it was not their fault they were given pills by some hospital that turned them into drug addicts. It was all caused by lawyers who told them if they make the claim, they were innocently turned into an addict by pills they took for pain, they can get off the charges. The defense was so successful addicts started making the claim all over the place It was a laughable as this is.

id: 1309494 - Text: I see so many of these videos & they have majority of the same stories. I don’t feel sorry for them. Where the fuck are all these kids’ parents as they’re running away working in hotels, etc? Too many important details left out. Its hard for me to believe these stories. If they’re looking for sympathy they don’t get it from me, & if they looking for money well then turn another trick. They chose the lifestyle they want to live. No one does anything they don’t want to do. They could have run away, seek jobs, seek help at a shelter, anything. So yeah to me these stories and ppl are a bunch of bs.

id: 1309586 - Text: Well I'm listen to a lot of these videos. This is one of the hardest ones to listen to... God bless your. healing heart!
