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id: 1309614 - Text:  @scottgust9709  the fact that she’s making a point and you’re here watching this same video as us and this is your take away…just say your predator bro

id: 1309681 - Text: Life does suck. People suck. I saw a picture on the front of one of the SWU videos which was an image of a woman who held her arms up to show two tattoos. On one arm it said. ''Guarded by angels.'' And on the other. ''Targeted by demons.'' This world is full of predators. And people think the worst of it is this. That every young woman is at risk of abuse, and if they have mental health issues or don't get the love and connection at home, exactly as Kat describes, that longing for emotional connection, those demons know just how to target you through that. What astounds me, is the way it's so casual among these abusers. That they invite their friends round to abuse too. In recent years I've been watching a lot of real life crime documentaries, as a kind of study of how these demons operate. Heard several times...and this is shocking... people who decide to kill someone, have been able to convince their friends to get involved in the killing.Like this world so sucks, so many people suck, that its THAT convince several people in your kill?! WTF! Or stories of child abuse where once that child has been abused once, these abusers seem to have an intuitive knowing that they can be abused. And that suddenly these abused children are set upon almost everywhere they go. That's how prolific it is. And yes, they might hold positions of power, doctors, lawyers, teachers...where you'd think they'd have more sense of decency and responsibility. But the very worst of it, which virtually nobody addresses. Sees even as not as important while all this human to human abuse is going the torture and murder of animals for the pleasures of humans palates. We wear their skins. Torture them in laboratories. And nobody cares. That's everyone. Not just the men who abuse human children. And if anyone did care, go vegan, and study this whole shit show, they would find that since recorded history those who achieve any level of enlightenment or wisdom have all counselled us to look to the violence we do to other species, if we wish for world peace. Truly, the violent oppression in this world all begins on your plate. And to torture animals for the pleasure you get out of that, is no different whatsoever to torturing human children. Only deep speciesism. Which is like the worst prejudice there is. Where your victims are no more to you than the pavement you walk on...would make you think otherwise.

id: 1309784 - Text: Have patience, dude. Learn enough discipline to get through a 10 minute video.

id: 1309893 - Text: Sexualized nearly your whole childhood - now sexualized online. Great video as usual SWU.

id: 1309991 - Text: Kat I love your sense of humor, the way you articulate, your honesty, and your self-awareness. I'm a Canadian and I can honestly say I've never wished to be an American until I watched this video. Because if I was, maybe I could live near you and get to know you. I think you would be an amazing friend. I don't know if you see yourself the way other people see you but I wish I you could see yourself through my eyes so you could see your strength and resilience.

id: 1310064 - Text: To those who responded to my long comment...I most certainly never meant to be rude in any way, but perhaps I should've thought more carefully before commenting. I only wanted to tell her how much I respect her for the strong, smart person she is and to try to be supportive; hopefully that is how she took it. As for my "creative" spelling, I wasn't on the job while writing a comment on youtube, just being another regular person who was impacted by the video. Thanks.

id: 1310067 - Text: ignore the trolls, most likely they're sympathizing with the pimps and abusers in this video  @janehunyor3243 

id: 1310116 - Text: This was one of the most heartbreaking stories yet. It is very hard to wrap my mind around. The fact she is still standing speaks to her strength. You are a marvel Kat. You didn't deserve an ounce of what was done to you. I pray for nothing but joy and relief for you and your family for the rest of your life. THAT is what you deserve. Does she get any of the revenue from this video? Considering it is her story. She should get a good paycheck for being willing to put this on the internet.

id: 1310153 - Text: First thing I HAVE TO say is: Its NOT your fault, really, it’s NOT your fault. Your dad wasnt around (maybe not such a bad…not a good person). 45:14 Your mom was rarely to never home. Don’t let your mom off the hook she played a huge roll in what happened to you. You are Such a courageous, beautiful, incredibly bright young woman and you deserve to spend as much time as you need, to Heal from All of the Trauma you have suffered. One on one counseling with a therapist who has experience working with women who suffered from major childhood trauma, Group therapy too, where other women went through a similar situation as you. You’ll feel understood, not judged but actually loved ❤. I will never forget your story or You. This video has helped and will continue to help SO MANY people…what a fantastic gift you’ve given The World. And you’re just gettin’ started! ❤

id: 1310171 - Text:  @timsimmons9995  Now I see why you made you're above victim-blaming comment. You are a blind individual who obviously was incapable of seeing the video as every other person here saw it.
