31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1310847 - Text: This poor sweet beautiful girl… I wish I could hug her and tell her - THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT!!! NONE OF THIS IS YOUR FAULT!! YOU DID NOTHING WRONG!! YOU DID NOT ASK FOR THIS. YOURE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU AND YOU DESERVED TO HAVE HAD SOMEONE PROTECT YOU!!! Regardless of how you dress or what you say or how you act, none of this, I repeat NONE OF THIS is or was your fault. I hate that you even think or thought for a second that it is or was your fault or that you were asking for anything due to the way you dressed. I HATE that woman from a very young age are ever taught or led to believe that the way they dress, or what they say, or how they act is a reason or an invitation to be taken advantage of or abused. You can not be blamed for what happened to you because of the way you dressed, or things you said, or the way you acted in situations. You were a child. You were and still are a victim. You are a victim in so many ways!! You were a child and you were put in situations that were dangerous, inappropriate, illegal and just strait up WRONG!! The adults in your life who were meant to protect you and keep you safe are 100% to blame, NOT you!! Your mom failed you. The system failed you. The adults in your life failed you. I’m grateful to see that you are alive and that you survived this, however that’s not the case for many of your peers. It is incredible and mind blowing how brave and strong you are. It’s amazing that you survived these terrible things that happed to you and the way you are choosing to fight for a better life and heal from the torture you went through is a miracle. You are so brave for sharing your story. I hope and pray to all higher beings to keep you and your family safe and healthy and to be able to continue to stay the strong warrior you are. Your story will help someone else, I know it. Please keep fighting for what you deserve and don’t forget how important you are!!! I’ve watched a lot of these stories but this one hit me hard. Thank you to all who made this video and all the other videos you’ve put out. It is terrifying imperative that more awareness is brought to light on these issues and made known to the world that these unimaginable acts are happening daily all around us. Sharing these stories of what these young girls have experienced or are still living through is a vital message to the world that we need to open our eyes and realize this stuff could happen to anyone and might be happening in our backyard as we speak and that we need to do everything in our power to put a stop to human trafficking and protect our future or else we are all truly doomed.

id: 1310866 - Text: ​​​​ @justanotherrichkid1053 Well, seeing that drag queens commonly get caught on video exposing themselves to children, defecating and peeing on stage, showing them pornographic books, trying to convince them to cut off their body parts when they can't decide what they want to eat for lunch etc. Try again. The Democrats literally block laws to make public indecency a felony because they would "interfere with drag queen events".

id: 1310911 - Text: I've watched a few of your videos but this one really impacted me. I FELT her life-story. I felt all the people who let her down and didn't protect her.

id: 1310913 - Text: This Hanes crime is way larger than any of us can realize. This weekend is the biggest cash cow for these sickos supplying sex for those satanic pedos. It is atrocity to any human being to coheres them with fear tactics to perform Dr acts against their free will. Perverts are everywhere and know how to seek this out no matter where they are. We need to come together to STOP this hideous practice. But then again our government likes to use fear tactics in general to get us to agree to lose our freedoms. So mind control is against all of us. Thank you for spreading awareness with this video.

id: 1310952 - Text: Kat’s story reads like a perverted video game every turn there was a sexual predator including the doctor mother Fker’ on every corner

id: 1311042 - Text: ​​ @jaimechavez5249  you literally get on this channel to hate on people. We can see your recent comments on this channel and you go to different videos and just spread so much negativity. Go get a real hobby you loser

id: 1311068 - Text: this is fucked up. several times during this video i gasped and thought to myself, this is so fucked. I feel so bad for kat. i dont know what else to say, and it makes me disgusted and actually scared of the world we live in.

id: 1311117 - Text: how is that the one thing you drew from this video. fucking loser

id: 1311169 - Text: Please make more videos on this topic!

id: 1311229 - Text: I feel for her. She didn’t deserve any of that! You’re a strong woman, and could be helping others with your video. Thank you for your bravery!
