31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1311717 - Text: why did you guys choose for a guy to interview her? she might have felt safer talking in a space filled with women only... just a thought for the future how you're occupying the rooms you bring people into who've experienced severe trauma. Thanks for the video and the insight into these stories

id: 1311738 - Text: I'm a late diagnosed Autistic woman. I see that in many of the people in these videos. But Kat especially. I hope America is coming along at least at the same slow pace as Australia with autistic girls and woman. Yellow ladybugs. PTSD.

id: 1311745 - Text: I liked this video out of respect for this woman she is very strong. What is her only fans?

id: 1311746 - Text: You did NOT do that to yourself love you were failed as a child ! It was not your fault! this video really breaks my heart I would give her the longest hug if I ever met her .. gosh you are a survivor ! && you deserve love! I pray you get that ,forgive yourself && understand it was never your fault 🤎Stay Strong Mama Bear!💪🏽You’ve Come A Lonnnggggg Way!&& You Are Definitely The Definition Of A Living Testimony! Almighty Please Continue To Bless This Women & Her Family🙏🏽

id: 1311846 - Text:  @bovineintervention276  Thats totally irrelevant, what she chooses to show and whats shown in a neutral oriented docu video. Even if one doesn t mind showing all because they are used to exploitation.

id: 1311949 - Text: Wow. Such an important video. Kat - you are such a beautiful and light filled soul. It sounds like you are giving so much to your children and they will be so thankful to have a loving mom like you.

id: 1311966 - Text: Videos like these really open my eyes, even the most mundane people could be total pieces of shit. You don't truly know someone until you actually know someone

id: 1312005 - Text: Damn I had not finished watching her video but I see her cry and say her mom would just sit there always away from her and all she need was to be wanted . I almost said out loud. I would of wanted you I would of made those craft with her I used to see her post before never would have imagined all this. I suffer from some type of annoyance feeling like ppl get too needy and it’s annoying but yet I also feel I’m needy in a way. I have a 8yr lil girl and when she says mom why don’t you play with me… she stops me in my tracks and I play with her and her animal toys or plushies. I hold on to the thought of I wish my mom or dad were more involved which they were always home and we would do family things but never a close mother daughter relationship. I want to give me lil girl that with me as much as can even when my anxiety kicks in. Also the neighbor hoods matter go live in better neighborhoods do this for your kids.

id: 1312099 - Text: I have young children, trying to tell them how fucked up the world is, without fucking them up, is a doozy. Tried to roll my son how easy it is to get into drugs and end up dealing, he felt insulted, like that's how I perceived him, these videos are probably age appropriate now he's almost 15. They are fantastic examples of how easily life can swallow you whole. We need to hear these stories, because we have all been so naive. Thank you

id: 1312155 - Text: i hope this girl is reading the comments and sees this. she should know how this video helps young women relate and feel comfort that she is not alone and she is helping others to not feel alone. it must have took a lot of courage for her to do this and i applaud her for this. thank you.
