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id: 1313056 - Text: This video is probably one of my favorite interviews you have done. I have never related to an interviewee as much as I have with Kat. Everything she said and emotion provoked with her story hit so deep. I deeply relate with the feelings and turmoil Kat expressed. As a SA survivor myself, the things she spoke of in this interview are so important and deep to be said out loud, and recorded for others to hear and understand. Everything she had said, sounded like myself when I have talked about my trauma in therapy.. This interview is a clear expression of what a lack of boundaries and lack of parenting looks like. It is a complete epidemic to society that parents do not want to be emotionally available for their children and to teach them about the basics of what predatory behavior looks like. And it shows how emotional neglect harms adult children of these parents who were emotionally absent -- or completely absent from their children's lives. This is the true upbringing of generational trauma. Thankfully people like Kat are breaking that cycle with their children. When in reality, it should have been broken generations before she was even thought of. THANK YOU Kat and Mark. This video is so important. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

id: 1313101 - Text: My heart breaks for this woman and any other woman and child who has been through this. It's absolutely abhorrent there are no words. Thank you for making this video, and this wonderful woman's bravery is exceptional 💔

id: 1313139 - Text: Sex Offender Ian from 2 years is a piece of garbage in my opinion and is downplaying his crime with a girl who told him she was 14. Find him to be a manipulator who twisted that story to make himself seem like he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. She told him she was 14 and he went to meet her. I thought he was actually playing the victim , like it was sting operation and he was just at home reading his bible or something. He deserved much more than the time he received. Why are the comments turned off on that video?

id: 1313163 - Text: Out of all the videos I have seen on this channel she really doesn't look like she belong on the streets. They say "you can't judge a book by its cover" but for everyone that kept telling her she doesn't belong out there they seen it too. Watching these videos are all unfortunate especially to those who were forced to perform in acts and have their secret place taken it's severely sad. To feel like no one wants you omg has to be a terrible feeling.

id: 1313168 - Text: I guess this is an unpopular opinion but I feel like some of the comments are words used by the interviewers were innopropriate. She was not working when she was 14. Even if thats how she described it. I understand that it's her story but that's just factually incorrect and I feel like someone should have told her that. She didnt bring any of this on herself. I'm also aware this isn't a therapy session but the wordage is important either way. She didn't have sex with any of those men. She was raped/SAd. The only reason I'm leaving this comment is if any other women or girls are watching this and thinking that's any of that terminology is valid, it's not. No matter if you're "willing" or not, you cannot consent to a grown man as a child. If by some wild chance the woman from this video sees this, I think the safe space you're looking for to speak freely and recieve help would be group therapy or some kind of support group with other women who have experienced the same things as you. You didn't do anything to deserve or ask for any of this. You were a child trying to figure out how to find love and comfort in the cold environment you were born into. People took advantage of that. That is not your fault. You were supposed to be protected and given guidance. Instead you were neglected. I hope you find the safety and love that you are so deserving of. And I'm so proud of you for being that for your children despite not being shown how to by your parents. ❤️

id: 1313193 - Text: you seem like such a sweet and honest person. Really feel like you don't belong in a ghetto like that. Please try to get out of there. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I feel sorry that u didn't find a good therapist yet, but don't give up! You are already such a self-reflected woman, and smart! It can only get better. And you know you could use this video to show to your therapist, so you don't need to tell everything again... You are already helping so many people by sharing your story and also being so honest about your feelings!! You don't hide them and that to me is strength. Try to stay away from relationships with men for a bit or just be reaaally careful with men so u dont get hurt some more. You don't deserve that. If a man really likes you as a person, he WILL wait for sex. Make him wait, test if he really likes you for you! And set your standards high bc u deserve it. There are a lot of good and sweet men out there, maybe you just need to change your city or country....I wish you find a good man that loves you in the way you deserve <3

id: 1313229 - Text: These videos are very sad not just because of the stories that are told, but that I feel the creators purpose is to fear monger and inspire further division. These videos exemplify the US’s lack of social safety and show how we should have more empathy and understanding for each other.

id: 1313231 - Text: I really think she should stick with going to therapy. This whole video is like a therapy session for her, but needs someone to explain to her what she went through wasn't her fault and learn how to find good relationships/trust again, and forgive herself. I feel so much for this woman, and can empathize with a lot of her feelings around her experiences, how they shaped her today ( I have similar feelings although very different experiences growing up). I'm glad she is finding a way to take back her power and that she is teaching herself how to stand up for herself. It's just sickening to know how many men there are out there who abuse children. I cannot wrap my head around it. I see 11-16 year olds and they're all babies. Even someone who is under 24.. baby. But men going after young teens and tweens?? Repulsive and scary.

id: 1313253 - Text: I can’t even begin to explain how much I relate to her. Never sex trafficked but omg this video just hit. Praying for her and her peace and her kids ❤

id: 1313332 - Text: I am also a survivor of sex trafficking, I’m a single mom of a 6 yr old. I’m 24. I can absolutely relate. Especially with what she’s saying about dating. I never thought I would find someone who would love me for me and be patient and accept my past. Until I met my fiancé. And also loving yourself. I still struggle but it’s getting better. Friends too, its hard to relate to people my age because I went through so much so young. Girl it definitely gets better and healing is a journey. You’re so brave! Thank you so much for sharing. It gave me strength and hope to see somebody else go through similar things have similar struggles. I don’t even know her and I am so proud. Thank you for this video, sending love & healing from TX
